Previous Episode: DEI Truth

In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lacey Glueckert about her experiences in working in her local jail with people experiencing the intersectionality of incarceration, substance use disorders and often, homelessness. It is definitely a population without a lot of support and encouragement, something Lacey provides whenever she can. She is now part of the sheriff's budget rather than having her work funded through a grant. She exposes people to Choice Theory psychology and helps them make better choices that more effectively meet their needs. She would like to be able to train the correctional officers at the jail in Choice Theory, as well, so the jail could become an internal, rather than an external control environment. If you would like to contact Lacey, please use the contact form on her website at Home ( Please note that the sound on this podcast is not the best, but the content is great, particularly if you work in the correctional system.