In this episode, I have the pleasure of interviewing my friend, colleague and frequent guest of this podcast, Sylvester Baugh, about the men's group he has created. Following his life-saving kidney transplant, he says he felt called to create a safe space for men to be able to share and heal, and thus the Inside Out Job Community was born. Currently, he runs two groups--one that is in person with a group of unhoused individuals in the Chicago suburbs and the other that is virtual with ment from around the globe, who come together monthly to hear Sylvester's topic of the month and discuss the meaning for them. These groups are open to any male interested in joining but we discuss how a female's presence in the group would be detrimental to the purpose of creating a safe safe and helping men focus on internally looking at how they can improve themselves without adding the distraction of women in the group. By popular request, Sylvester is considering expanding what he offers by increasing the frequency and even adding a new group. If you are interested in either joining or learning more about this group, he can be reached at. [email protected]