Previous Episode: Zap the Gender Pay Gap
Next Episode: Choice Theory® and DEI

In this episode, I interview Ralph Brandt, who has built a highly successful business around the topic of DEI. The RDR Group specializes in helping people communicate in a meaningful way, naturally forming connections and fostering inclusiveness organically. Ralph begins by talking about how long he's been in the DEI space and how much it's changed, and stayed the same, over those years. He shares how RDR Group does DEI differently than most and includes some success stories. He makes a strong business case for inclusion and why diversity should not be politicized. The need is for cool heads to prevail and for people to understand that difference enhances business outcomes, which he backs up with some impressive statistics. He rounds out our conversation by sharing an impactful choice he made that changed his life. You can contact Ralph at [email protected] or check out their website