Are you tired of following outdated LinkedIn strategies that no longer work? In this episode, LinkedIn expert Erin Andersen shares her insights on breaking the rules and creating a personal brand that works for you. Learn how to show up authentically on LinkedIn, and figure out what makes it easy for you to engage with your audience. You’ll also hear about the one rule that truly matters when it comes to LinkedIn, and how to establish yourself as an in-demand employer. These tips and best practices will be helpful in guiding you to use LinkedIn to its full potential. Remember, LinkedIn isn't just a tool for job searching — it's also a great platform for networking, content sharing, and personal branding. So, go ahead and start building your LinkedIn brand today!  


[00:01 12:00] How to Establish Your Personal or Company Brand on LinkedIn  

Show up consistently and authentically, sharing your story and providing value to your audience.

Figure out how LinkedIn can work for you and your business, and what content or approach feels natural

Be consistent with your presence on the platform, even if it's just once a week or every two weeks

Create content that leaves your audience wanting more, focusing on engagement and building relationships.

Think about creating a craving for your content, leaving your audience wanting more and ultimately establishing yourself as an in-demand employer.


[12:01 -20:31]  How to Avoid Mistakes on Your LinkedIn Profile  

Avoid promotional content, as this is not effective on LinkedIn                      

Reciprocate engagement with your community to build virtual relationships.

Provide value in your posts by making them relatable and offering inspiration 

Create a business page for credibility and to provide a community for your employees

Use your company page to showcase innovation and what it's like to work for your company to attract potential hires 


[20:32 - 30:33]  How to Use LinkedIn to Attract the Right Talent   

Lead with what you offer the employee

Put company values and culture in job postings 

Use filtered questions to weed out unqualified candidates 

Message candidates before scheduling an interview to clarify any discrepancies

Look at a candidate's LinkedIn content to gain insights into their personality and potential fit for your company.


[30:34 - 36:43] Tips for Thought Leadership: Establishing Corporate Culture   

Your LinkedIn content and engagement should reflect your values as an individual and a business owner

Consistent, rich content that shares valuable information and represents your values will establish you as a thought leader on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is promoting thought leadership with AI articles and by inviting active contributors to participate in conversations

Contributing to AI articles and other discussions can expand your network and potential clients

Target your profile with relevant keywords to increase visibility for LinkedIn community badges and Top Voice recognition


[36:44 - 40:33] Closing Segment 

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Final words

Connect with Erin Andersen




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Tweetable Quotes:

 "Figuring out how to show up on LinkedIn authentically is the key, not following rules that someone else made up." ... Erin Andersen, Linkedin Expert

 "Looking powerful, but also looking like somebody that you would want to meet up with in person, not just virtually."... Erin Andersen, Linkedin Expert


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