Have you ever heard someone say “You know, you should write a book”. So… how many years have you been putting it off? How far have you gotten on it? How long has it been since you’ve gone back to it?  These are all legit questions. For many aspiring authors, the thought of writing a book seems overwhelming. They imagine endless hours sitting in front of a blank page, struggling to put coherent thoughts together. The fear of failure and the pressure to produce something incredible can be paralyzing, leading them to overthink and procrastinate. However, according to Deb’s guest, Jasmine Womack, there IS a system that can speed up the time it takes to write a book, making the process less intimidating and more manageable. In this episode, Deb and Jasmine will talk about her system and how it can help you achieve your dream of becoming a published author. After listening to this episode, you’ll be so much closer to writing, publishing your book. Time to stop dreaming and start doing. 


[00:01 16:21] Revolutionizing Nonfiction Book Writing: Jasmine's 5 Step Process  

Overcoming lack of confidence and self-doubt

Shifting mindset from perfectionism to rough drafting 

Jasmine's trigger for change was being on bedrest and realizing she had time to make her writing dreams happen.

Let go of perfectionism and focus on getting your ideas out in a rough draft.


[16:22 -20:30]  Harnessing the Power of Digital Products: A Journey to Online Success  

Decision to turn my book into a successful venture                      

She saw potential in her book and decided to run her business from home, leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Periscope.

Jasmine came to grips with the power of digital products when she saw others making up to $50,000 a month from them.

Creating digital products was still an anomaly at the time, and Jasmine saw an opportunity in this market.

 Learning from others' success and applying strategies for passive income through digital products 


[20:31 - 24:27]  How Jasmine Turned Her Book into a Virtual Course and a Membership Community  

Taking the basic principles from her book, Jasmine created a 21-day challenge for free.

Facilitating the workshop led to the growth of her email list from book purchasers to over 400 strangers. 

She then turned her challenge into a virtual course and started selling monthly membership for recurring revenue.

Jasmine learned to predict her every quarter revenue by promoting and creating six-month payment plans for her low, mid and high ticket programs.


[24:28 - 26:58] How to Write and Publish a Book in 90 Days: A Four-Step Process for Empowering Authors   

Decide: clarifying your topic and the problem you solve in the market  

Devise: project managing the entire process and creating a system for completion 

Dictate: using dictation to efficiently capture your ideas and strategy

Demand: creating a plan for launching, marketing, and selling your book

Leverage: using your book to grow your business, bring in leads, and secure speaking engagements.


[26:59 - 29:00] Closing Segment 

Connect with Jasmine through the links below 

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Final words

Connect with Jasmine Womack

Company:  www.jasminewomack.com

LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/thejasminewomack

Youtube:  www.youtube.com/@thejasminewomack

Instagram:  instagram.com/thejasminewomack

TikToc: thejasminewomack

Jasmine's offer www.publishedandpaidbook.com and Jasmine's website www.jasminewomack.co


Here are some another episodes you might enjoy as well:

For all Episodes, go to: Podcast - Life After Corporate Podcast

Ep 119. I Just Wrote a Book, So Now What?

Ep 82. Book Writing Made Easy with Stacy Mayer


Tweetable Quotes:

 "I was looking at the things that I didn't have, instead of paying attention to the things that I did have."...Jasmine Womack

"Your job is to get your ideas from your head. Get it out. And that was the shift."...Jasmine Womack


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