Light one up and celebrate stoner Libra.  What is there to celebrate?  Well, you’re celebrating you!  Summer was a blur of nights spent catching up with cannabis companions, and sharing in smoked filled shenanigans.  Overall we would call that a win.  But, the slower pace of September will bring you more time to think, to … Continue reading Libra Stoner Horoscope September →

Light one up and celebrate stoner Libra.  What is there to celebrate?  Well, you’re celebrating you!  Summer was a blur of nights spent catching up with cannabis companions, and sharing in smoked filled shenanigans.  Overall we would call that a win.  But, the slower pace of September will bring you more time to think, to toke, and to take stock.  With your sacred herbal assistant, you will have the opportunity to look at your surroundings from a ten thousand foot high view.  You may notice something is missing.  This is because you’ve spent so much energy making sure everyone around you is having a good time, that you’ve forgotten to look inward.  Stoner Libra toke time for solo smoke sessions early in the month.  Of course you still want others to be happy, but spreading good vibes is only possible once you have found your own peace and cosmic groove.

Stoner Libra what you have accomplished in the work sphere this Summer has been nothing short of extraordinary; and your hot streak shows no sign of cooling down.  Peers and management alike have noticed your efforts, and applaud your accomplishments.  But your success is not by accident.  Maintaining such a fervent, fiery grind, takes dedication, and days off.  You can keep the momentum high, and the setbacks low, by paying attention to your physical state.  Your teammates know you are always ready to take on a challenging project, but they will also understand when you need to take a break for self care.  Make good use of your down time stoner Libra.  Toke time for cannabis medications, and relaxing meditations.  While some might not understand how roasting bowls is beneficial, you know that being efficient with your recreational time is crucial to being effective when on the clock.  

Stoner Libra Summer has left you feeling bright and full of optimism.  Others may stare in wonder at your noticeable glee, but there is no reason to take off your rose colored glasses.  Right now, you can’t see it any other way:  Life is beautiful.  To convince others of this reality, you have to do nothing other than be your cheerful self.  For sure there will be cloudy days, but your persistent positive attitude will be enough to lift the spirits of your cannabis companions, even when they are feeling their lowest.  And of course, you can elicit the help of herbal remedies to counter Autumn gloominess.  With a little help from your special green stash, and your unbeatable smile, when your stoner fam is in need you will be the best kind of friend indeed.