Stoner Libra October is the month of Halloween, when people can, for at least one night, be whatever they want to be; where complete strangers share tasty morsels for the simple reason of bringing a bit of joy to their fellow terrestrial travelers.  For you stoner Libra, your time of transformation will not be limited … Continue reading Libra Stoner Horoscope October →

Stoner Libra October is the month of Halloween, when people can, for at least one night, be whatever they want to be; where complete strangers share tasty morsels for the simple reason of bringing a bit of joy to their fellow terrestrial travelers.  For you stoner Libra, your time of transformation will not be limited to a single day.  Mix it up, make changes, and most importantly of all, don’t forget to treat yourself!  Maybe you spend a little extra green to get some of those top shelf buds.  Maybe it’s time to upgrade your smoking methods, and you invest in a vaporizer or the water pipe you’ve had your sights set on.  It might feel a little weird at first, putting your own desires front and center, and splurging on yourself instead of others.  But, as strange as it sounds, investing in yourself is helping others stoner Libra.  Before you can help to elevate others, you have to make sure your own spirits are high.

My stoner warrior for justice:  It’s not that you are slacking at work; in fact the higher ups have noticed and commended your efforts over recent months.  So why do you leave the office feeling down?  Perhaps it’s not what you’re doing, but instead, what you’re not doing stoner Libra.  You’ve been steady on your grind getting the job done, but if you’re not feeling challenged, then maybe it’s time to look for something that will really get the bowl stoked.  You don’t have to take on an official title, or the first opportunity that is offered.  No, any meaningful change should be carefully calculated.  You may even need to take a long weekend to toke and talk with your closest cannabis confidantes.  Get away from the hustle and bustle of the workplace to spend some time with the sacred herb meditating on your next move.  However, be forewarned:  Opportunities do expire.  Remember your goal is to contemplate how to advance your career, not just to spend the weekend in a cloudy haze.

One thing you won’t have to overthink this month stoner Libra, is friendship.  The benefits of the time you spend on selfcare will radiate to all those who cross your path.  Your closest cannabis companions and smoke circle acquaintances will all be saying, “I’ll have some of what they’re smoking.”  So really all you’ll need to keep the good vibes flowing is your stash, and your smile stoner Libra.  As long as you have those, and someone to share them with, the air might be clouded with smoke, but there will always be bright days ahead.