Stoner Libra the month of August will be a grand adventure.  But even within the most ambitious progressive undertakings, obstacles will be present.  The good news is that these obstacles will be limited to personal relationships, and only for a limited time.  A rollercoaster of good and bad cosmic vibes will create a wild ride … Continue reading Libra Stoner Horoscope August →

Stoner Libra the month of August will be a grand adventure.  But even within the most ambitious progressive undertakings, obstacles will be present.  The good news is that these obstacles will be limited to personal relationships, and only for a limited time.  A rollercoaster of good and bad cosmic vibes will create a wild ride within the smoke circle for the first half of the month.  But with a prescription of calm meditations with the sacred herb, mystery and obscurity will be thwarted by clarity of revelations.

Stoner Libra, puff puff plan for flexibility within the personal sphere in the first half of the month.  Relax on your strident claims of justice until all the facts come out.  Perhaps the plan from sacred meditative smoke sessions is simply to apply more patience in cloudy situations.  There will be plenty of breaks of clarity within stormy emotions.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to make kind judgements within these breaks of cosmic clarity.  The gears of the cosmic grinder break free after the 15th.  Obscure smoke clouds become clear smoke signals within communications in the canna-fam. 

Stoner Libra, within the work sphere, August is a team effort.  It will be imperative to create a plan and execute within the calendar days of the month.  Your participation, and or leadership within this cosmic deadline, will be instrumental in the team’s success.  Toke time off the clock to meditate with the sacred herb.  Create a blank mental state, and allow your internal voice to rise with sacred communication.  Each stoner Libra is a unique terrestrial astronaut, but the requirements to achieve this work mission are within each individual.  Soak up internal confidence from sacred meditations, and apply your internal talents and skills to the job at hand.

The sacred herb can be used as a tool for progress in August.  First, as a calming tool to increase patience and perception within the personal sphere.  Second, as a tuning fork of internal confidence within the work sphere.  With the sacred herb as a tool in your cosmic mission, progress in August is assured!