Welcome to Sovereign Truth, podcast series hosted by Autumn Bensette & Alexandra Covucci, two friends, colleagues, and coaches who've walked a long road back to their own sovereign truths, and have fallin in love time and again with the process of coming back home to themselves.

This series is a place where you’re invited to explore the edges of your own sovereign truth as the hosts share theirs: their stories, concepts, ideas, and the things that have landed most in their hearts and nervous systems to impact their businesses, their relationships, and their lives.

The goal is to have you walking away feeling a little bit closer to yourself and your potential, whether an episode hits you like a cold plunge for the psyche, or wraps around you like a cozy blanket of your own humanity.

On today's episode, Autumn and Alexandra get a little bit more practical and talk about how to actualize what you’re wanting to bring into reality in 2024. They explore the domains that need attention and development when it comes to creating progress and results in your life, and they invite you into exploring what may be missing for you when it comes to manifestation and vision cultivation. 

What you can expect to hear more about in this episode:

How to define ‘making progress’ to support you in creating more momentum

Seeing the value of what part of your process you’re in so you can build seasonality in your life and business

The three phases of results actualization and how to know what phase you’re in

How to craft a vision that actually pulls you forward instead of having to push

Understanding your nervous system’s role in manifestation and how to harness your capacity

How to develop anchor points to keep you connected as you move through the process of creation

And so much more…

To connect deeper with Autumn, her community and offerings:

IG: @autumnbensette 

Check out my free Inner Nourishment Embodiment Guided Meditation to embody deeper self-love, peace and gratitude: https://autumnbensette.podia.com/inner-nourishment-guided-embodiment-meditation

Upcoming + Ways to be in co-creation together with AB:

One on One Mentorship: https://www.autumnbensette.com/privatecoaching


To connect deeper with Alexandra, her community and offerings:

Website: www.alexandracovucci.com
IG: @alexandracovucci
FB: https://www.facebook.com/acovucci

Check out my free masterclass called Safe To Be Seen to start leaning into your next-level visibility: https://noble-base-978.myflodesk.com/ory3qmkg70

Ways to work with Alexandra:

One-on-One Mentorship: https://calendly.com/alexandracovucci/free-connection-call