If you know anything about Libations for Everyone, you know the boys fly the flag of Jeppson's Malört high in the sky. So it was an absolute treat for Ben & Charles to welcome Tremaine Atkinson-- owner, CEO and lead drinker of CH Distilling in Chicago-- to the show, to put the third of those titles to the test. They discuss the market launch of Malört in the Twin Cities, what people love or hate about it (get on board-- it rules!), favorite British insults, and the foods that best exemplify the incredible city of Chicago to each of them.

Pour yourself a shot (ironically, if you must!) or a rocks glass of Malört, and let's dig in. #libationsforeveryone

(special thanks to future guest Katy Dimick for sharing an assortment of libations from New France Wine Co, and putting up with this stupidity for the duration)

Spirit of Choice

The hosts and their guest drank:

Jeppson's Malört (duhhhh)

Yola Mezcal

El Maestro Sierra Amontillado 1830


Ron Cihuatan Sahumerio Rum

Jeppson's Bourbon Single Barrel