It's impossible to encapsulate all of what Kieran Folliard has accomplished in the food and beverage world in an episode synopsis. Ben & Charles visited the spectacle that is Kieran's food production wonderland, The Food Building, to nosh on charcuterie, cheese and bread created on site by Red Table Meats, Alemar Cheese and Baker's Field Flour, respectively, as a welcome assist to the consumption of an absolutely comical quantity of Red Locks Irish whiskey, amidst a riotous conversation about throwing absentee parties, favorite Irish pubs around the world, the childhood toys they remember most, new craft food production trends, and where each of their loves of whiskey began and how they've changed over the years.

Settle down in your chairs, and raise some Red Locks in cheers. #libationsforeveryone

Spirit of Choice

The hosts and their guest drank:

Red Locks Irish Whiskey


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