Do you know why you choose one brand over another?   Traditional market research focuses on what people are buying. They study the number of items sold, where they're sold, and how those numbers are shifting. But traditional research doesn’t tell you why people are acting in a certain way. That's where human insight comes in!

To understand the best way to merge human insight with market data, I’ve invited Manish Bahl to join me for a conversation. Manish is the Chief Executive and Founder of Curious Insights – where the company mission is to humanize data for analyst firms and organizations.
Traditional research has its place, but it can show a limited, one-dimensional perspective. Manish explains how data often misses the "human connection," and how the warmth of human insights can make research truly revelatory. Adding an understanding of human behavior, the way individuals think and feel, puts people back at the center of market research..

Convincing C-Suite executives to participate in surveys and interviews can be a challenge. Their time is precious, but so is the information they have to offer. Manish shares his best tips for turning a data-driven interview into a two way street, where both parties are engaged and learning from the discussion.

Manish also discussed how to create content that is fresh and compelling. Too often, content creators become focused on SEO results, which can create bland, cookie-cutter content. Manish shares how having passion and invoking curiosity in your audience can draw people in - and take your ideas to scale.

Three Key Takeaways:

* Blending human science with data collection allows us to understand what customers think and feel about our thought leadership.

* In order to have successful interviews, the interviewer must also be transparent and open.  A conversational experience will yield better results than a static list of questions.

* People have a short attention span. If your content does not grab them in the first 5–10 lines, you will lose them.