Our guest today is Michael Gallagher, Founder and CEO of The Stevie® Awards – the world’s premier business awards. He's also the co-founder of ImageShield, a web based program that helps protect images from unauthorized use.

Today, Michael tells us why he founded The Stevie® Awards, and how it has grown from its origins among The American Business Awards® to include eight award categories each with their own focus, list of categories, and schedule across the globe.

Next, we turn our attention to Michael's newest endeavor: ImageShield. Millions of people share their images online every day without much thought to who else could be using those images, and negative ramifications that could come when someone steals your images and uses them without your permission. Recognizing this growing problem, Michael is developing ImageShield - a service which will provide updates to its users, helping them keep track of how and where their images are being used.

Launching a new product like ImageShield requires educating the target audience on why this product is a necessity. Michael shares how he turned to Leveraging Thought Leadership for help in creating avatars, images, and strategies for reaching ImageShield's core audience and helping drive an understanding of its services

Three Key Takeaways:

*  People have a need to be recognized for their dedication and hard work.

*  Good thought leadership can draw attention to common problems that are not top of mind to the average person.

*  When investing in thought leadership, find the people in your organization that can vocalize your org's mission, clearly and compellingly serving the brand.