Now that publishing is easier and openly available, we see more books hitting the market than ever before.  With that in mind, how can you elevate your book and create a roadmap that leads clients to you and your offerings?

Today, I invite two seasoned experts to share their experience with publishing, and the tools they used to move their audience up the product ladder.

* Andy Paul is the author of "Sell Without Selling Out", Host of the "Sales Enablement Podcast with Andy Paul," and is a Top 50 Global Sales Expert, consulting with the biggest businesses in the world.

* John Jantsch is the President and Founder of “Duct Tape Marketing”, and the author of “Duct Tape Marketing.” As a consultant, he teaches business owners to streamline their marketing approach, increase revenue, and scale strategically.

We begin our conversation by discussing publishing options, and how modern methods are helping authors soar. John and Andy have both published multiple books using various methods, and they discuss the pros and cons of each. 
Publishing is only the beginning of an author's work! A successful book launch needs an established following, one that is ready and waiting for your book to come out. Awareness can be built up through podcasts, blogs, or posts on LinkedIn. Andy and John explain how releasing consistent content helps you build a reputation, giving your followers a flow of bite-sized portions that prepare them for the full meal of the book.

And last, we talk about building community. With so many people working alone, the need to communicate and share with like-minded people has increased. Our guests share how they’ve used cohorts, workshops, and mastermind groups to create communities that reach beyond the initial product offering,  building lasting relationships.

If your book isn’t driving the traffic you hoped, this episode can help! 

Three Key Takeaways:

* The moment you have an idea for a book, you need to start building a following. Don't wait to build the audience after its release!

* Creating content that has value, and deploying it consistently, is key to growing your following and building a reputation.

* Don’t be afraid to experiment with ideas – putting them out into the world, and get feedback to help promote its value.