Today COO of Thought Leadership Leverage Bill Sherman takes over the topic Organizational Thought Leadership; in future episodes both Bill and Peter will tackle the subject.

Bill’s first guest is Dan Hawthorne Director of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at PAIRIN. PAIRIN is a social enterprise software company looking to do good in the world by helping people get the answers they are looking for.

Dan explains how they use science to back up their Thought Leadership while building behavoiral assessments to help people find jobs, advance in their careers, and move into their next stage of life. We also talk with Dan about how the world has changed in recent months, how he is adapting to it, and how his company is doing their part to bring validated information in a way people can understand.

Three Key Takeaways:

How to use good science to back up your Thought Leadership. Why using the right language in your Thought Leadership is key to the audience being able to grasp the subject. How to celebrate the success of Thought Leadership.