Leaders often think about their legacy, from how they will build it to how it will change the industry for the better. But if others are critical of your great works - when should you consider changing lanes?
Today we are joined by CB Bowman, the CEO of Courage Consulting, keynote speaker, host of the podcast Courage to Leap & Lead and now author of Courage to Leap & to Lead: A Roadmap for Redefining Failure into Success.

Having a business, podcast, and book with the word Courage in the title would make you think that CB has spent her career following that path - but that simply isn’t true! It was only after a conversation with Marshall Goldsmith and other thought leaders   that she came to realize everything she had accomplished in her career was due to courage - her own!

Courage to Leap & Lead is CB's first solo book authorship, and it's been incredibly well-received. CB shares how others told her that she was courageous, leading her to consider the major events in her life and ask herself, “How did I get here?” By answering that question, she was able to break down her strategies into a teachable 7-step process.

If you are not sure about the legacy you're building, or you can't find focus among your ideas, this conversation might give you the courage to make a powerful change!

 Three Key Takeaways:

* A thought leader must be able to pivot, build on their ideas, and recognize the strengths and challenges of their approach.

* If you identify with a concept - such as courage - then you need to live with deep respect and adherence to your teachings.

*  Sometimes, the key to getting the answers you need is to ask the right question.