What does it take to write a book?  Or host a podcast?  Or to get speaking engagements based on your content?   Being a thought leader can be hectic - if you know how to find the audience that needs you most!

Today, we’ve invited the “Human Venn Diagram,” Christina Wallace, to share her insights with our listeners. Christina has crafted a career at the intersection of business, technology, and the arts.  She is a Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurial Management at Harvard Business School, an angel investor, speaker, and author of "The Portfolio Life: How to Future Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger Than Your Business Card."

We start our conversation by learning how Christina got started, writing bits and pieces about her best ideas and sharing them with readers and listeners.  These small bits led to a column at Forbes.com, and eventually, Christina became the co-host of The Limit Does Not Exist podcast. Christina shares how each different medium helped her see different facets of her audience's needs, and gave her real-time feedback from her audience. Those details made writing her book easier - and more suited to her audience's needs!

Christina explains how each chapter in her book had roots in a podcast episode, and how her written posts acted as the first draft for material that then came to full maturity in the book. Not only did her previous content shape her forward motion, it also proved her talent and value to literary agents and publishers worldwide. Not only had she established a strong audience for her insights - they were actively seeking more!

Three Key Takeaways:

* You can get lucky by being in the right place at the right time.  It takes courage to say yes to the opportunity presented.

*  Having a library of online content is like leaving an everlasting trail of breadcrumbs that lead back to your services.

*  Thought Leaders need to proactively tell the story of why they are the expert on the topics they discuss.