What’s up everybody! Joining us in this episode is Nathan Barry, the founder/CEO of ConvertKit, an email marketing company for creators. You might expect that Nathan is a huge proponent of using email to connect, grow, and sell. What you may not know is that BEFORE ConvertKit, he was using email as the main channel to grow his blog. In this episode, Nathan shares his story and how to use email courses to connect with your audience and sell products.

I realized the most successful marketing channel was email.

Episode Quotes

"You go through problems so you can figure out how to solve them and grow" - Janelle

"Email would drive 16x engagements than Twitter would."

"If you teach and share that's the difference between people who are reading the blog from people writing them."

"You're not trying to get the highest number of people, but the most engaged people"

"My mission is to both educate and provide all the tools for other creators to be able to do the same thing"

Listen to Learn

00:33 Getting to know Nathan Barry, Rapid 5 Questions

06:16 Nathan's email courses journey (ConvertKit)

08:55 Pushing content through email - what makes it so powerful?

12:40 Nathan's core value - "Teach Everything"

15:46 Tips for starters and how to overcome resistance

19:12 Transitioning to email courses

26:05 Why email courses are more effective than a PDF download?

28:35 Tactics to make your emails more actionable and engaged

34:00 How to use email courses to pitch a product?

39:13 Industries where email courses isn't a good fit

40:46 Exciting things coming up from Nathan Barry, links and announcements

Want More?

Nathan and I recorded a bonus segment just for you. It’s full of practical tips on how to get subscribers and stay consistent with email.

Grab it here: https://get.zencourses.co/extra
