One thing we
learn about the human experience is undoubtedly we are proactive people.  Ones who value the proactive movement of activity,
happenings and events in life.  With that
being said securing an  ecosystem of
support, and safety from a cyber security perspective is vitally important.  However, according to the legal site
50% of people do not feel private online. Most cybercrimes happen to people
between 20 and 39. 46% of women and 37% of men said their social media accounts
had been hacked. 31% of people do not feel safe when they are online.


There is one
company in particular whose working hard to provide a safety ecosystem.  PhishingBox provides a comprehensive Security
Awareness Ecosystem through a suite of tools and services to implement and
maintain a high-level security awareness training program. Key components of
this security awareness ecosystem include an Industry-leading phishing
simulation tool, security awareness training, a learning management system
(LMS), KillPhish reporting button, and our 'Phishing Inbox,' which allows
InfoSec teams to thoroughly investigate reported emails and related information. 


Alex Risen is the organization’s
 head of marketing  who enjoys utilizing honed time management skills as “I manage
multiple projects and departments simultaneously while delivering novel
concepts to maximize employer success through growth and revenue.

Attacking problems with my experienced, diverse, creative
background delivers results rooted in relationship-building and storytelling.

Understanding the financial components of product and
marketing management, including product profit contributions (cost, pricing,
mix), P&L statements, budgets, and other financial metrics allows me to
adapt and integrate cross-departmentally to achieve positive output.

Strong leadership skills and my ability to thrive in
results-oriented environments with an affinity for defining problems, gathering
data, establishing facts, and drawing valid conclusions fuels my day-to-day.”
He joined me this week to tell me more.


For More Information:

LinkedIn: @AlexRisen