Talent is a productively tangible commodity which is
distributed differently to all of us in diverse formats.   How we choose to implement and utilize such
skills is an independent decision we all must make individually.  However, the one thing we cannot do is sit on
the sidelines of contribution to the conversation of progress because its how we
collectively move forward.  From a
business standpoint how productive are we at work and are we reaching our fullest
potential as a workforce?  We will
revisit such a notion in just a moment however, in the meantime, I wanted to
provide you with some thoughts from a LinkedIn national survey from March of
this year, which revealed 74% of employees say they are not reaching their full
potential at work.  Mainly due to a lack
of motivation, burnout and the repetitive nature of the work. Which naturally
leads to the question of how do we ignite the passion for work again?  Whether it be from an entrepreneurial or corporate
world standpoint.  For interestingly
thoughtful answers I enlisted the thoughts of Zachary Parker Harris.  He’s a Entrepreneur
and Mastermind of Masterminds he also serves as the president of Junto Global.  Junto Global is a
mastermind of entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our inspiration stems from
Benjamin Franklin's iconic Junto of 1727, and we've taken his timeless
philosophy to heart. At Junto Global, we believe in combining the wisdom of the
past with the latest advancements. Our platform empowers members to unlock
their full potential and reach new heights in their personal lives, businesses,
and communities. Our monthly masterminds brings together like-minded
individuals from around the world to collaborate and create meaningful impact.  By the
time he was 17 years old, Parker started his first company, became a board
member for multiple nonprofits, and was also recruited by the President of the
Unites States to speak at Leadership Conferences across the country. At 20
years old he almost died in a car accident and made the choice to walk people
out of his life that were taking advantage of him and start fresh. At 23, he
landed his dream job working for a Fortune 100 technology company doing operations
and strategy. After getting to know the executives there and asking the advice
they gave their children he realized he must choose a different path. He
started a mastermind modeled after Benjamin Franklin that overtime became his
business and mission. Today he leads Junto Global which has served thousands of
entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded peers and build the relationships,
health, and business they deeply desire. He joined me this week to tell
me more.

 Follow: @zacharyparkerharris