As a society can I tell you something?   We  have conversations with people about a variety
of topics each day and we hope to spark debate, be heard, respected and valued
and give people a large return on their personal investment into our mutual
conversation.  In business our business  website is often the first impression people
get of our business in today’s digital age. However, Forbes reports  21% of
business owners report low website traffic issues with their website.
Twenty-one percent of business owners face low website traffic, which poses a
significant challenge for their online presence. This can impact their ability
to attract and retain customers, as well as their revenue and overall success.  Matthew Stafford is on a mission to help
companies and organizations sell more based on the traffic their website is
already receiving.  He’s  an Investor and CEO of Build Grow Scale |
Equity Owner of In-House Ecommerce Brand. Over the past three decades, Matthew Stafford
has been entrepreneurial and successfully building several businesses across
various industries, including Concrete, Brick and Mortar Locations, POD, and
Software-based ventures. Matthew Stafford, the CEO and managing partner of
Build Grow Scale and an equity owner of some in-house Ecommerce brands, has
knowledge and expertise, enabling him to mentor thousands of store owners
through paid Ecommerce groups and live events. His experience has also enabled
him to help hundreds of ecommerce brands scale past the million-dollar mark -
with many hitting the 10 million+ mark. To top it off, he's been speaking on
stages about ecommerce optimization for the past seven years! In fact, before
Covid-19, BGS hosted the largest yearly Ecommerce-focused event in North
America - BGS LIVE.

However, despite his successes in these endeavors, he did not
truly understand why he was doing them. No matter how much success he achieved
externally, it was never enough to satisfy him internally. By reflecting on
this realization, he realized that true happiness comes from within rather than
external factors.

Through this newfound understanding of his self-worth and
purpose on earth, he strives for greater heights by combining his technical
knowledge with a deeper understanding of himself.  He joined me this week to tell me more.


For more information:

Email: [email protected]