According to a new study by MDVIP and Ipsos, Americans are not taking
care of their gut health. The study reveals that two-thirds of adults suffer
from recurring digestive symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and gas,
but very few seek medical care. The survey also indicates that most people are
unaware of the significance of gut health and ways to improve it. Over half of
the participants (52%) are confused by the abundance of information on diet and
nutrition, and 85% of Americans failed a Gut IQ quiz.


Dr. Rosemarie Rutecki is a visionary Pharmacist who is passionate about
health and wellness. She holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is
board-certified in functional medicine from the Institute of Functional
Medicine. Dr. Rutecki is dedicated to finding the root cause of imbalances in
the body. Her approach goes beyond surface symptoms and takes into account the
complex interplay of nutrition, digestion, detoxification, immune function,
hormones, and metabolism. By analyzing these critical areas, Dr. Rutecki
empowers her clients to achieve optimal health and peak performance. She joined
me this week to tell me more.


For more information, visit You can
also follow her on Instagram @drrosemarie_rutecki or connect with her on
LinkedIn @RosemarieRutecki.