Research from the National Institute of Health shows that
plant-based diets are cost-effective, low-risk interventions that may lower
body mass index, blood pressure, HbA1C, and cholesterol levels. They may also
reduce the number of medications needed to treat chronic diseases and lower
ischemic heart disease mortality rates.

Olivier Mankondo is a keynote speaker, author, weight loss and
wellness coach with a passion to help people achieve optimal health. He has
been on a plant-based nutrition since 2016. Just by chance, he happened to be
watching a program that showed that animal products were not designed for the
human mechanism. He applied this newfound knowledge in his life and was able to
cure himself of high blood pressure, severe headaches, chest pains, painful
joints, back pain, abscesses, and dandruff without the use of any medication.


Before adopting to a plant-based nutrition and the newfound
knowledge, Olivier Mankondo weighted 100 kilos (15½ stone) and subsequently
lost 35 kilos (5½ stone) in nine months without surgery or physical exercises
(gyms, boot camps, etc.). After the change in his diet and lifestyle, Olivier’s
health has been optimal, and he has never been sick ever since. He shared his
knowledge and experience about a plant-based nutrition with his wife and
brother, and they too had witnessed dramatic transformations in their health.

Both have been able to reverse their chronic diseases and
are now in perfect health. After witnessing significant transformations due to
the adoption of a plant-based nutrition, Olivier decided to share this powerful
message with the world and empower people with this knowledge. He has helped and
continue to help a lot of people through his message to adopt a healthy
lifestyle so they can lose their excess weight, prevent, stop, and even reverse
their chronic diseases.  He joined me
this week to tell me more.

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