In just the first three
months of Fiscal Year 2023, over 7,000
migrants per day on average were apprehended after illegally crossing the border. Those numbers don't include hundreds of
thousands of aliens who evade apprehension entirely estimated at almost 600,000
just in Fiscal Year 2022, according to the US House Oversight Committee. 


Illegal immigration touches every fabric of
American society. This issue needs to be discussed openly and honestly from the
perspective of real experience and expert knowledge. The first two years of the
Biden Administration, there has been over 10 million illegal aliens allowed to
enter our nation. The manifestation of this invasion has already begun to
surface, and the effects are profound.

The discussion must be more than showing a video of a conga line of
people crossing the Rio Grande. Instead, we need a discussion focused on who
has allowed this to occur, how are they facilitating this invasion and why this
is being allowed to happen to the greatest nation on earth.

J.J. Carrell had a 24-year career with the United States Border Patrol. “I
made my reputation working a decade on the San Diego/Tijuana border as a
Journeyman and Supervisory Border Patrol Agent. I promoted up the ranks from my
success running small to large task force units. I retired as a Deputy Patrol
Agent in Charge which allowed me to have access to and be a participant in the
forming of strategic law enforcement planning and having an understanding of
high-level policy development and decisions.

I have been a guest on several national television shows like FoxNews and
NewsMax as well as a guest on nationally syndicated radio shows. I will have my
first book published in June by Post Hill Press.

I do not shy away from the truth. My stance on the chaotic and lawless
border is based on experience, knowledge, and facts. “He joined me this week to
tell me more.  


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