According to a January survey in USA TODAY  which measured the safest places to live in
the world, the United States ranks at 129th with a score of
2.44, marking the country's score "low." Just above the U.S. is
Azerbaijan, and just below is Brazil. 

“Civil unrest continues to be the primary
driver of the deterioration,” the GPI report says about the U.S., noting rises
in the political terror and political instability categories. “However, there were
also significant improvements in indicators across all three domains, with
largest being in the UN peacekeeping funding indicator.” 


Born and raised in England, Simon C. Osamoh is
the founder and CEO of Kingswood Security Consulting, a Minneapolis based
security risk management firm. Simon first moved to the United States to Head
Counter Terrorism at Mall of America, Minnesota.

The largest shopping and entertainment complex
in North America where he oversaw counterterrorism and the internationally
recognized behavior threat assessment team. He quickly established himself as
one of the country’s leading experts on security at soft targets where his work
gained national media attention. He spent 14 years as a Detective in England
working serious and organized crime.

One of his notable cases includes working with
the British Security Services during the investigation of the “liquid bomb
terrorism plot” against the U.S.A in 2006, which changed aviation security
regulations worldwide limiting the amount of liquids that can be taken onto
planes. Simon is a former Director of Risk and Compliance having worked for
three of America’s largest financial institutions that include Wells Fargo, US
Bank, and Equiniti Trust Company.

Where he oversaw programs that included risk
management, business continuity, crisis management, anti-bribery and
corruption, regulatory compliance, testing programs and third party risk. He is
the author of three books, 10 Powerful Strategies for Verbal De-Escalation,
Securing Church Operations and Church Safety Responding to Suspicious Behavior.

Simon’s work on conversational interviewing is
featured in the award- winning book How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic by Dr.
James Densley and Dr. Jillian Peterson of the Violence Project. Simon is a
writer for the Worship Facility online publication sent to 30,000 organizations
each month and serves as a member of the editorial advisory board.

He joined me this week to tell me more.


For more information:

Email: [email protected]