Personal accountability
is a choice we all must make.  Its about taking
ownership of the decisions we make and living with the authentic results.  For each of us relating to being accountable
we reach a state of contentment differently. 
Our individual standards on this regard vary depending upon our own
level of commitment and responsibility were willing to absorb. After all, we
are the authors of our own stories. Holding ourselves to account means we have our
own standard of personal expectations and will eventually individually grow and
collectively prosper. The question is our we willing to place a personal investment
in ourselves?

For Justin Crane “I’m a Special Forces Veteran who has been
through a lot of shit most people would dream of. Now, I teach ANYONE how to
change their Mindset and cut all the negative self talk out of their life!


I left the military due to medical
reasons which led me into a deep depression where I let alcohol and drugs take
over my life. I was the perfect example of the poor-me victim mentality. At
this point, I felt like suicide was my only option. Until, it wasn't. What
happened? I woke the fuck up. I found a coach to help me drop all of my vices
and ultimately find my passion again. I changed all the things that were wrong
with me and created the best person I could be. I took control of my life and
fell in love with myself again. Now, I help others do the exact same thing.

I’m on a mission to change people’s
lives through Mindset, Fitness, and Nutrition.


I have been working out and training
others for the past 20 years. I’ve beat alcohol and drug addiction and now I
show others how to do the same.”  He
joined me this week to tell me more.


Instagram: @justincrane_fit