As we age are physical capabilities naturally diminish.  However, that doesn't mean we cannot live a
proactive lifestyle while the natural process of aging occurs. The National Council
on Aging reports:

older Americans are healthier overall and
living independently for longer. However, most older people have at least one
chronic health condition, and many are dealing with multiple health issues. In
2020, the top chronic condition among adults age 65+ was arthritis (47%),
followed by:

Any cancer (26%)

Diagnosed diabetes (21%)

COPD, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis (11%)

Coronary heart disease (14%)

Myocardial infarction (9%)

Angina (4%)

With this
information now in your back pocket I want to share the story of Barry Karch
with you.


“I was
an avid runner when I was around 40 years old. I competed in lots of races,
from 1 mile to marathons - but I got burned out. I stopped racing for 20 years
and put on 35 pounds. I kept asking myself when I was going to do something
about the weight, but was never motivated enough to take action.

Finally, when I hit my 60s, I told myself,
"It's now or never." I finally did something about the weight. I
changed my diet and took off all 35 pounds - then an unexpected thing happened
- I rediscovered my joy of running. I now love it more than ever!

My mission is to inspire and motivate people to run to live a long and
healthy life and outrun Father Time.” He joined me this week to tell me more.




Instagram: @barry_s_karch
