I’m motivated to have a conversation about the evolution of
learning with all of you.  Without further
delay let’s engage in conversation. According to the American Institute of Stress
80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in
learning how to manage stress and 42% say their coworkers need such help. To
bring some context to this discussion I want to introduce you, to Adam Strong.  

Adam Strong is an Ultra-High Personal Productivity
Authority, Business Strategist, Author, Public Speaker and the Founder of the
Game Changers Experience. Adam was a former elite athlete in distance running
(current world and Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah was his former training
partner) and teaches the same success principals creating high energy and fast
growing companies.


I lived near to a golf course which was going to be the corner
stone of my first business. So I started to run up and down the fairway, wading
through streams with a fishing net and exploring undergrowth in a search for
lost golf balls.

Naturally the golfers were more than a little curious about why a
young lad was walking around their course with a bucket and fishing net.

I’d show them the rescued golf balls and offer to sell them. Most
said yes and I quickly learnt two things.

The branded Dunlop and Slazenger balls would be worth 2/3 times
more than an unbranded one. But only If they were undamaged.

But to make any money I had to quickly learn how to negotiate.
They’d offer me ‘X’ and I would haggle and haggle for a higher price until both
of us were happy. Every time I came back with deep pockets of coins, I’d give
some to my mum and save the rest.

At the same time – maybe because of all that running around the
golf course – I got into long distance running, some people though I was mad
because I suffered from asthma!

But a big advantage of running to me was that it didn’t need too
much money to get started and the more I ran the more my confidence returned
and the better I got.

is when I met my first coach, a guy who was well versed in turning normal joe
public people into champions. He helped me become an elite long-distance runner
because I was willing to listen and determined to do work other kids were not.

I learned so much from him.

Things like, distractions will destroy your progress; when you
eliminate them, getting into the zone becomes simpler and more productive.

This culminated with being a training partner of Sir Mo Farah
(currently world and Olympic champion in 5,000 and 10,000 metres).

when I had my second breakthrough. The determination, creativity and mindset
techniques world class athletes use to achieve impossible results could also be
used to help entrepreneurs achieve the same thing.

Take it from an ultra-athlete with asthma as a child.

I’m featured on the front cover of Influential People Magazine,
Global Woman magazine and Steer Magazine. Also featured in the Huffington post,
The Guardian newspaper, People Management magazine and others. He joined me
this week to tell me more.


For more information: https://adamstrong.net/

LinkedIn: @AdamStrong


To start I needed a bucket.

So a brand
was important, but so was quality.