What's Ape behavioral studies and Gorilla got with cannabis?

To help answer the above questions is today’s guest; cannabis coach Candice Rohrer. Candice is a psychology-trained professional that got into cannabis during her father’s battle with cancer. After her father lost his battle with cancer, Candice decided to use the knowledge she acquired as his caregiver and her background in Ape Behavior Research to help people and animals living with post-traumatic stress disorders navigate their journey.

Dr. O and Candice dived deep into all things cannabis and how behavioral therapy can be an added tool in clinicians’ toolbox to help clients and animals alike. 

This conversation is a must-listen. Connect with Candice here:



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Those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!



“My father had cancer, felt miserable with chemo, but wouldn’t use cannabis for a long time …he was scared of the stories he’s had about cannabis”

“Time to start telling the truth about cannabis…how can part be ok, but the whole is illegal?”

“I’m trying to help get retired Apes used in circus back to their natural habitat & self, free of fear” …. Psychologist Candice Rohrer



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Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Cannabis-Psychedelic


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Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist

Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness)

Dr. Ohonba (aka Dr. O) is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH LLC, an alternative health and wellness company. She’s a clinical pharmacist certified in medical cannabis and a public speaker specialized in cannabis and psychedelics.

Dr. O helps healthcare professionals, dispensaries and alternative medicine enthusiasts understand the health benefits of plant medicine using her background as a clinician and an herbal medicine user growing up in West Africa; so that they can assist their clients to level up on their wellness journey, saving money and avoiding adverse reactions. 

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)