We all agreed that the opioid epidemic is gone out of control, especially here in the US. Over 81,000 Americans overdosed (OD) on opioids between 2019 and 2020. According to CDC, at least 100,000 people are estimated to OD on an opioid in 2021 (especially with the trauma from the pandemic).

Our guest today, Levi Barker is a Bwiti Iboga Provider at Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica. The Bwitian, from west-central Africa, have worked with Iboga root for generations in the management of various ailments and for spiritual purposes. Levi has worked with Iboga root to beat his addiction to heroin and now sharing the positive power of this plant to help those that are called to work with it.

Dr. O and Levi dived deep into not just Iboga, but also ibogaine, the primary active compound as well as the negative side effects that can result from the usage of the plant.

This conversation is a must-listen. Connect with Levi Barker here:


To sign up for Dr. O’s incredible masterclass go to https://wci-health.com those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!



“I was one of the 1st generations of the opioid epidemic after a snowboarding accident, was prescribed Percocet…which led me to heroin addiction”

“My friend introduced me to Iboga. I went through the ceremony…woke up and basically free of drugs”

“There’s no other compound that can physically stop the physical withdrawal of opioid, Iboga is the only one” .... Levi Barker



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Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist

Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness)

Dr. Ohonba (aka Dr. O) is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH LLC, an alternative health and wellness company. She’s a clinical pharmacist certified in medical cannabis and a public speaker specialized in cannabis and psychedelics.

Dr. O helps healthcare professionals, dispensaries and alternative medicine enthusiasts understand the health benefits of plant medicine using her background as a clinician and an herbal medicine user growing up in West Africa; so that they can assist their clients to level up on their wellness journey, saving money and avoiding adverse reactions. 

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)