Today I’m joined by renowned Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach, Michael Nitti! Michael has had over thirty years of experience in the self-development and life coaching field and if there’s one person that can offer some insight into discovering personal truth, he is the best place to start.

In this episode, we discuss the story of Michael’s spiritual awakening, how our own conditioning and programming have influenced us, as well as the importance of surrendering to your truth and paying attention to the signs that are being given to you in life. 

Too often we doubt our own ability to seek out the truth in our lives. We listen to our own limiting beliefs and our mind constantly looks for reasons why we’re not good enough. Michael shares his advice on how to take back our own power and not fall prey to the anxieties that can overwhelm us. 

Tune in to Episode 3 of Let’s Get Truth for more spiritual and personal development insights! 

Some Questions I Ask:

What was the truth that transformed the course of your life? (2:06)Was there ever a time where you actively asked for the truth? (17:06)How does the human experience intertwine with the spiritual experience? (23:17)How do you guide new clients towards finding their truth? (31:01)What would you say to men who still have limiting beliefs and prejudices towards women? (36:35)

In This Episode You Will Learn:

A brief background on Michael Nitti (0:53)The story of how Michael embarked on a spiritual awakening (After 2:02)Michael’s approach to the spiritual aspects of his teachings (14:35)How conditioning of ourselves and our culture influences the way we think (18:23)How we can develop absolute certainty in our lives (21:11)The link between money and spirituality (27:08)

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Book - “The Trophy Effect” Author, Michael Nitti

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