#213 In life, we learn about history, english, math, and science. But no one ever teaches us how to thrive as a human being. No one ever teaches us about the intelligence of our emotions, about resolving interpersonal conflict, about healthy embodiment, creative self-expression, how to connect to our deepest sense of purpose, and so much more that's needed to be a happy healthy human being.

In this episode, I welcome back Jeff Lieberman to dive into that with me and share his incredible wisdom with us. Jeff is a jack of all science trades, and many non-science trades too, actually.  He is a mechanical engineer, a design consultant, a photographer, composer and kinetic sculptor. He will talk about his spiritual exploration and what he learned along the way, how our beliefs keep us from achieving the fullness of ourselves, and the life changing work he is doing through his Sleepawake Camp to bring a paradigm shift to education and relationships that will educate the emotional and spiritual aspects of people’s being as well as their mental and physical. Tune in to our conversation as he asks us to challenge our perception of what we are, our relationship to the universe, and our relationship to one another.

About Jeff: Jeff Lieberman is the creative director of Sleepawake, a 4-week residential intensive for 18 to 24 year olds to explore the potent paths to embodied, engaged, and authentic living. Jeff received four degrees at MIT (Physics, Math, Mech E and Robotics). He hosted “Time Warp” on the Discovery Channel about the wonders of science, and made large-scale art for 15 years. By external measures, he was incredibly successful. But inside, something was missing. This disconnect led him to a deep depression in high school, and chronic pain for almost 20 years after that.

Jeff learned quantum mechanics before learning about his emotions. He marvels at the fact that we can measure the external universe to 10-decimal accuracy, but most of us don’t learn about our insides: our emotions, what leads to flourishing, how to take great care of ourselves. Years of personal exploration transformed him, leading to a determination to not have the road to joy be difficult for others to find.

He has spent more than 15 years training in meditation, personal development, and group dynamics for well being, facilitating high school students through a 3-week intensive and adults through an 18-month program. He speaks around the world on the topics of art, science, education, healing, and consciousness. See more of his work at bea.st.

Jeff's Website: 

Key points with time stamp:

Sleepawake: The 6 Potent Paths to Embodied, Engaged, & Authentic Living (00:00) The point where he realized he needed to look more inward than outward to fill the hole that he had inside (02:16)  His journey of spiritual enlightenment and how it led him into holistic wellbeing (05:55) Why and how to deconstruct the beliefs of our minds (10:29) Freeing ourselves from the conditioning that makes us fear the fullness of ourselves (15:38) Sleepawake: The creative motivation behind this life-changing concept (20:36) The priceless secret that no one knows they want (27:07) Intense application and interview processes they take 18 to 24 year olds for their Sleepawake camp (34:30) Breaking down the 6 areas they cover over the 30 days people spend at Sleepawake (36:00) Gearing towards permanently shifting the wellbeing of thousands of students for their lifetimes (42:30) Sharing the benefits of Sleepawake with the younger generation (45:24) Looking into how your beliefs suffocate the self that you know is inside you  (49:39)

Mentioned in this episode:

The Secrets of Aboriginal Healing By Gary and Robbie Holz

About me: My Instagram: www.instagram.com/guyhlawrence/?hl=en
My website: