#214 Your thoughts and emotions can affect your health. Emotions that are freely experienced and expressed without judgment or attachment tend to flow fluidly without impacting our health. On the other hand, repressed emotions (especially fearful or negative ones) can zap mental energy, negatively affect the body, and lead to health problems. It's important to recognize our thoughts and emotions and be aware of the effect they have, not only on each other, but also on our bodies, behavior, and relationships.

In this episode, I’ll be talking to an expert in exactly that; Brandon Bays. Brandon is an author, speaker, and The Journey Work Creator. She has written several books including “The Journey,” “The Journey for Kids” and “Consciousness the New Currency.” Brandon’s story sounds like a miracle. One day she has a tumour the size of a basketball in her uterus then through doing “The Journey” it disappears. 

She will talk to us about her early spiritual search, how she healed herself from a large growth in her stomach, and the events that led to her creating “The Journey” seminar which she has been leading now for many years. Just listening to Brandon will put you into a state of calm and lull you into absolute bliss. You won’t wanna miss this episode because her story is one that will astound, inspire, and MOVE you to do the deepest work of loving yourself and others whole-y.

About Brandon: Brandon Bays is the world’s leading authority on emotional healing and life transformation. She is recognized as one of the most dynamic, inspirational and innovative teachers in the field of personal growth and mind-body-healing. She is internationally known for her radically transformative work in the fields of cellular healing, emotional wellbeing and spiritual awakening, and is the pioneer of The Journey Method®.

It was in the face of adversity that Brandon discovered her true calling. Diagnosed with a large tumor, she embarked on a remarkable, soul-searching, transformational and liberating healing journey. It allowed her to heal from her tumor in just 6½ weeks, without drugs or surgery. In doing so, she uncovered a means to get direct access to the boundless healing potential that exists inside each of us, and developed a natural healing method that can help everyone. The process works on all levels of being – emotional, physical and spiritual.

She is the pioneer of The Journey Method, a practical and liberating tool for healing and awakening, and is dedicated to bringing healing and freedom to people around the globe. Brandon is an international bestselling author of several books, including The Journey, Freedom Is, The Journey for Kids, Consciousness: The New Currency and Living The Journey. She is dedicated to sharing her message and self-healing techniques with the world. She has appeared on numerous television programs and is the subject of countless newspaper and magazine articles.

The Journey book is translated into 23 languages, and has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide. Brandon is an authentic example of her teaching – full of joy and energy, with a natural love and gratitude for life. Her open, candid honesty, genuine compassion for the human condition and relaxed, warm-hearted humor bring her teachings alive with insight, depth, humanity and grace.

Brandon's Website: 
The Journey YouTube Channel
Brandon on Facebook
Brandon on Twitter

Key points with time stamp:

Emotional Freedom with The Journey (00:00) Having to surrender more from getting caught up in Covid lockdowns (01:06) Healing ourselves by going on a journey within to get access to all buried cell memories (06:21) A journey of radical awakening: How she stayed strong and focused on healing herself despite having a basketball size tumor in her uterus (15:53) Living with an inner peace that is untouched by the tumultous nature of life (30:00) The choiceless choice of sharing her cutting-edge transformation and healing method with the world (35:31) An awakening process to your true essence and letting your soul guide you to what needs healing in your body and life (45:16) Connecting to the peace that underlies all craziness and suffering going on in the world (56:48)

Mentioned in this episode:

The Journey By Brandon Bays Find Out How The Journey Intensive Can Change Your Life The Journey Intensive Events with Brandon

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