"I noticed a lot of distrust of science in yoga community, likewise I noticed a lot of distrust of yoga in science community. Skepticism is healthy, but an open mind is necessary, so I think there is a strong limitation on the amount of dialogue between those two groups. Science is amazing and yoga is amazing and there's no reason they can't both be amazing."

In one hour conversation we tried to cover many topics that involve nervous system, stress, yoga research, creativity and finding dialogues between two large communities: science and yoga.

Jonathan Rosenthal is a resident physician in Neurology in New York, and a Yoga student of legendary Sri Dharma Mittra. Jonathan is also an organizer of Neuroscience and Yoga online conference, that included such speakers and teachers as Eddie Stern, Sri Dharma Mittra, Dr Marshall Hagins and many more.

Keep an eye on Neuroscience and Yoga conference: www.neuroyoganyc.com)

Follow Jonathan on Instagram (@neuroyoganyc) for more exciting stuff on Neuroscience and Yoga

Less Stress is a multidisciplinary project connecting trauma, embodiment, body practices, neuroscience, yoga and art, exploring links and dialogues between them to help us to connect to our human system holistically.

For future suggestions or collaborations, please contact us [email protected]

Episode created by Živilė Virkutytė

Editing and music Irmantas Kašėta