Episode 122 | Ryan Turfrey - High Performance Individualization Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

Ryan Turfrey is the Senior Strength Specialist at High Performance Sport New Zealand and the lead for Rowing New Zealand. In this interview Ryan and I discuss periodization across the calendar year. We also chat about how to individualize training for athletes at different age and experience levels.

Enjoy the episode!

Part 1 - Ryan's background  and bio High Performance New Zealand BMX 2010-2014 Canoe Slalom 2014-2016 Rowing 2011-Present PhD work | Structural changes of muscles and tendons during strength based exercise and how they affect performance at the highest level of sport. Muscle research aims for more Olympic Gold https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11586317


Part 2 -  Rowing S&C  Should we approach strength training differently for U19, U23/Senior, and Masters Rowers? Adaptive? Those with orthopedic issues? Should rowers max test? If so, how often? Should they use VBT as an alternative or force plates? Should strength training occur on the same day as intense workouts, or on UT2 days? Should strength training occur before, or after, other workouts?  How long do you keep the S&C sessions, is 45-60’ an optimal time frame or shorter/longer?


Part 3 -  HP New Zealand S&C Training What kind of evaluation or screen do they go through? How does that impact their program? Overall role of S&C in the athlete’s program. How has it evolved over the years? Is the athlete’s power profile taken into consideration when developing their program? Communication with sports medicine and physiology staff? Bond and Murray shared they stopped doing S&C under Dick Tonks and did more rowing training. What's Hamish up to now? Show Notes: Ryan Turfrey's Instagram Ryan Turfrey's Twitter Muscle research aims for more gold Postactivation Potentiation New Plymouth's Cameron Rolling with the Pros

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