Episode 121 | John Kiely: Periodization Paradigms and Stress Theory Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher


Strength and conditioning coaches and sport coaches use it to help their athletes progress and adapt - to get stronger, faster, and more powerful.

But, what if the foundation of periodization has roots from somewhere else? What if periodization was never intended for sport at all?

If I have tickled your curiosity then you are going to love this podcast with John Kiely.

John is a strength and conditioning coach and currently work at the Institute for Coaching and Performance (ICaP), at the University of Central Lancashire. His current research interests revolve around human performance, and include: The detrimental effects of fatigue on running coordination; the modernizing of Periodization planning paradigms; stress as it relates to performance and health; genetics and sports performance; and the link between fitness, movement, cognition and emotional health.

Enjoy this mind blowing episode!

Part 1 | Periodization Paradigms and Stress Theory Overview of Periodization Paradigms and Stress Theory Historical significance from industrial revolution ala Frederick Winslow Taylor and how this came to be applied to other fields. Principles of scientific management “Selye once remarked that he never considered the application of his research to sporting domains” GAS - general adaptation syndrome Stress Paper; device.  Differences and commonalities between periodization philosophies Stress response and adaptation Part 2 | Where do we go from here? Path dependence


Zombie idea



  How can we help coaches and athletes continue to progress? Inter individual variability (adaption across a group) Coaching and Individualization of athletes’ programs How you educate athlete about plan Degree of self determination Athlete needs to believe in training Self regulation; Autoregulation by PRE, RIR, Load/velocity HRV See Table 1 from Periodization Paradigms Show Notes: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230756715_Periodization_Paradigms_in_the_21st_Century_Evidence-Led_or_Tradition-Driven https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321386054_Periodization_Theory_Confronting_an_Inconvenient_Truth