Drew Amoroso founded DueCourse to address a big problem he saw in the legal community: a lack of effective, modern development resources for lawyers. He believe's in the power of providing lawyers with the information they need to take control of their practice and career. He started his career as a senior associate at Reed Smith and was the immediate past president of the Barristers Club at the Bar Association of San Francisco. Drew is a visiting lecturer at UC Davis School of Law, the University of San Francisco, and Golden Gate University, where he teaches a Practice Ready Seminar designed to prepare law students to make the transition from students to practice-ready lawyers. As you will learn in this episode, Drew is a believer in health and fitness and upon leaving Reed Smith, he branded himself as a fitness lawyer. That is the way he carved out his individual practice area in the space he desired to practice. His underlying belief in wellness drove him to #professionaldevelopment, training, and coaching for #lawyers. After on-premises training, Due Course became a software-as-a-service tool connecting lawyers with coaches to help them achieve their personal and professional goals. Wellness is an ongoing problem in the legal industry, so anything that focuses on the wellness and personal growth is worth paying attention. #legaltech More about Drew Amoroso & DueCourse App: Drew Amoroso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drewamoroso/. Drew Amoroso on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drewamoroso. DueCourse on Twitter: @DueCourse__. Due Course website: https://www.duecourseapp.com/.

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