Today on LEARN TO EARN PODCAST I wanna discuss Rich dad poor dad!
written by Robert Kiyosaki.
This book alone has probably influenced more people than any other book as far as financial literacy goes.
Robert talks abought his mindset while growing up, Comparing his biological father to his Best friends dad who was an enturpuner.
His biological father wasn't nessicalry poor, He just worked for a paycheck and was fine with that creating what Robert saw as a poor mans mindset while his friends dad was creating business's, Always looking to grow his money and had a solid understanding of money equaling to the Rich mans mindset
Here are the top 6 lessons I want to cover today.
1. The rich don't work for money
2. Why teach financial literacy
3. MIND your own business
4. The history of taxes and corporations
5. The rich INVEST MONEY
6. Work to LEARN, Not to Earn Money