Today on LEARN TO EARN I wanna talk a little bit abought ROCKET FUEL By Gino Wickman.
This book talks about building your business and the importance of building a strong team.

Joined by TSAA Director of operations McKenzie Huddleston,
We go over the partnership that has to happen to succeed at a high level.
We over the visionary/ intergrader roll and how they play off one another to attain the over all goals of the business

A lot of people go into business with partners because of fear, They are scared to succeed. They are afraid people are going to think its easy and that anybody can do it, but there also scared to fail and there more comfortable to fail with someone and would rather have someone by their side.

A leader can tend to get tunnel vison when it comes to the overall picture and building the business , So a good leader should have a good intergrader to be able to look around and focus on the day to day stuff. While the Visionary can look Down the road and focus on the bigger picture.

Guys, This book is a must read for anyone, already building or planning to build a business

Who you Work with matters!