Learn Real Estate Investing | Lifestyles Unlimited artwork

Learn Real Estate Investing | Lifestyles Unlimited

2,689 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 20 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 51 ratings

Lifestyles Unlimited is a real estate investing education and mentoring group that walks people through the process of locating, evaluating, negotiating, closing, and long-term management of everything from single family homes to 600 + unit apartment complexes.

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(March 27, 2019) Plan like a Lifestyles Unlimited Member

March 27, 2019 17:31 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

Want to visualize and plan your retirement roadmap like a Lifestyles Unlimited member? Today, Al Gordon drives home a very important point about doing that: your real estate investment plan should be able to help you navigate even the most volatile markets. Learn why this translates into the sound advice not to flip houses. Click to Listen Now

(March 26, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Why Rui Invested in Real Estate When No One Else Was” – Featuring LU Member, Rui

March 26, 2019 21:11 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

Rui started his investing as a Lifestyles Unlimited member in 2009 at the height of the Great Recession and it was the strength of Del's message that caused him to join. To Rui, in a sea of people swearing off real estate at the time, Del was the one person arguing the opposite. So, he began with the modest goal to cover his rent with passive income and ended up retiring from corporate America. Click to Listen Now

(March 25, 2019) Your Monday Real Estate Investing Grab Bag

March 25, 2019 23:34 - 41 minutes - 37.8 MB

Have you ever wondered how much those retirement cruises really cost? Ever wanted to check out our Wealth & Passive Income Expo? How does our single family investment model work? Al Gordon answers these questions and more as you start your week with Lifestyles Unlimited. Click to Listen Now

(March 24, 2019) A Lifestyles Realty Agent Breaks Down Our Single Family Investment Model

March 24, 2019 17:14 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Investing as a Lifestyles Unlimited member means having a team behind you for everything you need. Today, Lifestyles Realty Agent, Casey Claus, shows you just how important an investment-savvy realtor can be on that team, especially when they've followed the investment roadmap you intend to use. Click to Listen Now

(March 23, 2019) Break Away from the Rat Race

March 24, 2019 00:36 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

The economy is poised to continue its growth through 2021 according to Real Estate Economist, Dr. Mark G. Dotzour, and yet, many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. If you’re thinking what Michael Soulek is thinking, now is the time to break away from the rat race by investing in real estate. We are 33 days away from the biggest in-person gathering of successful like-minded real estate investors in the country, The Wealth & Passive Income Expo. Plan to attend and learn how investing ...

(March 22, 2019) Putting Financial Growth into Perspective

March 22, 2019 22:27 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

Today, Del broaches the topic of personal finances with his listeners. But, instead of only breaking down the do’s and don’ts for personal financial growth, he relates this daunting topic to his hobby of gardening. Here, listeners can expect a relaxing conversation geared towards producing a stress-free perspective about growing one’s wealth. Click to Listen Now

(March 22, 2019) Copy Del Walmsley to Reach Financial Freedom

March 22, 2019 19:09 - 38 minutes - 34.9 MB

What if you could simplify your roadmap to retirement by copying it from someone else? What if the person you copied retired in 2.5 years with real estate? Today, we'll put you on a path of incremental change to get you ready for single family and multifamily investing, a ticket to retirement that is a fraction of the cost your financial planner told you it was and that will retire you at many times the speed. Click to Listen Now

(March 21, 2019) You Can Have Anything You Want in Life, but You Can’t Have Everything

March 21, 2019 22:15 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

In the fight of his life against cancer, Del turned to the joy of train-making. He threw himself head first into this world, and before he knew it, he was overloaded with tracks, trains, landscapes and more. Making sense of this new hobby became a building block of his life and Lifestyles Unlimited; you can have anything you want in life, but you can’t have everything. Click to Listen Now

(March 21, 2019) How You Can Make $60k per Year in Passive Income

March 21, 2019 17:04 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Apart from showing you the path to $60k per year in passive income, almost covering the 2018 median U.S. income according to the Sentier Research Program, Michael Soulek shares why current retirement statistics suggest this may be a necessary step for your future. Pushing further, Michael contrasts this plan to traditional retirement models, starting a business, and other sources of wealth generation. Click to Listen Now

(March 20, 2019) The Passive Income Safety Net

March 21, 2019 04:41 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

Think of a safety net that pays you when your job doesn't. In fact, it never stops paying you. It lasts through recessions. It pays you in more ways than one. It can even give you back your time and it eventually funds itself. But, there's one catch. You have to choose it. Click to Listen Now

(March 19, 2019) Women Take Hold of Financial Freedom Part II

March 19, 2019 20:57 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Here, we continue with Suzanne's inspiring story from our Tell Del interview of the same day. Enjoy! Click to Listen Now

(March 19, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Women Take Hold of Financial Freedom” – Featuring LU Member, Suzanne

March 19, 2019 18:23 - 39 minutes - 36.4 MB

Suzanne is a former school teacher, she runs her own business and she is a Passive Real Estate Investor. But, she didn't start out as this dynamo of financial freedom and independence. She had to build it first during what she refers to as her life's changing "adventure." So exciting is this "adventure" that it's now led her to present at our Expo Women's Panel, which aims at empowering female real estate investors nationwide! Enjoy this show, then follow it up with Part II! Click to List...

(March 18, 2019) The Wealth & Passive Income Expo & The Multifamily Masters Tour

March 19, 2019 03:31 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

Host, Al Gordon breaks down the biggest weekend of the year for real estate investors: The Multifamily Masters Tour on Friday, April 26th and The Wealth & Passive Income Expo Saturday, April 27th. Click to Listen Now

(March 16, 2019) The Holy Grail of a Worry-Free Life

March 16, 2019 19:30 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

A recent Fidelity Investments survey found that 50% of survey participants feared unexpected expenses. The second most prevalent fear was rising health care costs. Do you share these fears? Do you want to sleep better at night? Listen as host, Michael Soulek, describes how to alleviate the stress of unexpected expenses. Hint: the answer isn’t to save more money. Click to Listen Now

(March 15, 2019) Give up Your Ego & Find Yourself a Mentor

March 15, 2019 19:35 - 40 minutes - 37 MB

He learned it while reaching his physical peak for competitive body building and power lifting, and he learned it at his darkest hour fighting cancer while pursuing the complex hobby of model trains; “I do not believe you can fail your way to success.” In these pursuits and more, Del believes more in the power of successful mentors to change lives instead of individually failing enough to eventually succeed. Click to Listen Now

(March 15, 2019) Increase Your Financial Success on the Way to Retirement

March 15, 2019 17:32 - 37 minutes - 34.3 MB

Looking at the 401k or IRA, considering most studies on retirement, the average individual will likely fall short of replacing enough of their earned income to live comfortably. But, at the same time, there is also a major opportunity facing future retirees using these accounts: an ability to reposition these funds into real estate to greatly overcome their retirement savings shortfall. Click to Listen Now

(March 14, 2019) How Del Walmsley Achieved Financial Freedom

March 14, 2019 19:12 - 40 minutes - 37.1 MB

This is the story of how Del Walmsley picked up the pieces after working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 12 years only to lose almost everything he’d earned on Black Monday. Down, but not out, this became his turning point to pursue and achieve financial freedom. Today, he shares that story with you. Click to Listen Now

(March 13, 2019) The Happiness Curve

March 13, 2019 18:26 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

On today’s show, Del reflects on his life and discusses a concept on which most psychologists agree: that life satisfaction follows a U-shaped curve. In other words, we’re happy when we are young, miserable during mid-life, and happy again once we approach our 60s. Research shows that this U-shaped curve holds true across nations, cultures, and income levels. But Del challenges this concept and asks, “Can you really be happy in old age if you are not financially secure?” Listen in and let ...

(March 12, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Banker Retires with Passive Real Estate Investing” – Featuring LU Member & Ambassador, Jim

March 12, 2019 21:28 - 40 minutes - 37.3 MB

Here, we’ll learn how Lifestyles Unlimited Member and Ambassador, Jim, turned his 30 years of banking experience into one of his biggest assets for passive multifamily investing. This meant utilizing some of what he’d learned in the finance industry and embracing new education from his mentors at Lifestyles Unlimited. In so doing, Jim fully realized his goal of sustaining himself entirely through passive streams of income. Click to Listen Now

(March 11, 2019) How Del Turned Four Houses into a Multimillion Dollar Multifamily Portfolio

March 11, 2019 20:56 - 40 minutes - 37.1 MB

Using leverage, Del bought four single family rental homes in a two-month period of time. His goal was to use the high cash-on-cash return from single family rentals to lift himself out of employment in the health club industry. The task proved almost too easy. So, he continued to follow what he now refers to as the “real estate investor roadmap” by investing in apartment communities. Join us for Del’s original tour through the “real estate investor roadmap.” Click to Listen Now

(March 10, 2019) What Sets Lifestyles Unlimited Apart

March 10, 2019 20:26 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

Today, we talk about two major concepts of the Lifestyles Unlimited investment model: the five ways real estate makes you money and the natural progression of the real estate investor. Click to Listen Now

(March 09, 2019) The National Climate for Real Estate Investing

March 09, 2019 18:15 - 39 minutes - 35.8 MB

Take a tour with Michael Soulek as we look at healthy regions and cities for real estate investing from coast to coast. But even beyond local markets, low mortgage rates and skyrocketing real estate values are key indicators that investing in real estate still makes sense. Learn about this and more! Click to Listen Now

(March 08, 2019) Del Contemplates the Portrait of the Millionaire

March 08, 2019 20:37 - 39 minutes - 36.6 MB

Responding to a listener request to analyze a concept mentioned in the classic Napoleon Hill book, “Think and Grow Rich,” and the landmark publication, “The Millionaire Next Door,” Del contemplates the concept of transmutation. This analysis provides a great insight into his beliefs about 401ks, higher education, pension plans, consumer spending and more. Click to Listen Now

(March 08, 2019) Rehabbing Investment Real Estate & Working with Contractors

March 08, 2019 19:09 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

Did you know a major source for large equity gains is a good working relationship with your contractor? How do unit turns between tenants affect interior design choices? These are just a few of the areas covered in an expansive discussion with Michael Soulek to help you get your investment real estate project rehabbed right the first time, and with the right team. Click to Listen Now

(March 07, 2019) Syndications Done Right

March 07, 2019 22:00 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

Chances are you’ve seen promotional videos for real estate syndicators: the flashy cars, the fancy suits, the over-the-top salesmanship. But, you may not realize that these syndicators charge fees, offer lower returns, and are less transparent, which translates to less protection for investors in these syndicators’ deals. Today, Del talks about the road he took to avoid such deals and create a better way. The results? Listen for yourself. Click to Listen Now

(March 07, 2019) Beat Wall Street Masterminds with Real Estate

March 07, 2019 18:34 - 39 minutes - 36 MB

Did you know that Warren Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, was beat out by an index fund and an exchange-traded fund (ETF) over a 10-year period? Today, Michael Soulek chips away at some of the most sacrosanct names on Wall Street. But, before you give yourself a pat on the back for being invested in mutual funds, know that our members are repositioning out of the stock market to retire in three to five years in real estate. Learn more. Click to Listen Now

(March 06, 2019) What Today’s Real Estate Market Is Telling Us

March 06, 2019 21:23 - 41 minutes - 37.7 MB

Del cleanly connects the dots between major trends in today’s real estate market and the Lifestyles Unlimited buy/hold model, describing a current climate that is generally better for steady yields than deep value gains. Join Del as he explores mortgage rates, a high-income earner renter population spike, and a decline in flipping and wholesaling. Click to Listen Now

(March 05, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Passive Multifamily Real Estate Investing at Its Best” – Featuring LU Member, James

March 05, 2019 22:52 - 41 minutes - 37.8 MB

This podcast pits a lifetime of traditional saving and investment against four years of passive investing. The results will shock you. Click to Listen Now

(March 04, 2019) The Common Denominators of Failure

March 04, 2019 22:02 - 40 minutes - 37.3 MB

In many shows, we cover tips and tricks for success. Today, we discuss 10 of the biggest road blocks that prevent success. Click to Listen Now

(March 02, 2019) Insider Secrets to Good Deals

March 02, 2019 20:15 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Finding a rental property is simple even it you don’t have experience doing it. On today’s show, Michael Soulek discusses insider secrets to securing great rental property deals. Spoiler alert: the front-end negotiation is key to making any deal work. Successful real estate investors understand that all deals boil down to the numbers. That’s why Lifestyles Unlimited recommends learning from someone who has a successful track record with rental properties. Listen further to learn how a mento...

(March 01, 2019) The Six Reasons Real Estate Outperforms Other Investments

March 01, 2019 18:24 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

Are you a current real estate investor with cash to spare? Why would you pursue other investment vehicles when you know that real estate provides superior returns? Del discusses the six reasons why your money will find no better investment vehicle than real estate. Click to Listen Now

(February 28, 2019) The Millionaire Mentality

February 28, 2019 18:20 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Contrary to common belief, most of the lasting wealth in this country is not made through privileged life circumstances, such as an inheritance or merely being part of the upper class. Don’t believe us? According to a 5-year study referenced on today’s show, “two-thirds of America’s billionaires are self-made,” and “four-fifths of its millionaires are self-made.” The Millionaire Mentality includes living within a budget and investing in income-producing assets. Click to Listen Now

(February 28, 2019) Harnessing Fear to Drive Success

February 28, 2019 17:00 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

As a Lifestyles Unlimited Mentor, Jillian Garland does many things, including helping people to navigate major life-changes, such as a sudden layoff, or to make up lost ground from a traditional retirement plan. But, there’s a lot of fear associated with major life changes. Today, Executive Vice President, Lynn Murrow, joins Jillian to harness that fear and neutralize it through the education we provide everyday. Click To Listen Now

(February 27, 2019) Five Daily Habits for the Real Estate Investor

February 27, 2019 15:28 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

Being a successful real estate investor is about more than just your investments. If you do it right, it’s about living a healthier, more productive lifestyle. Today, Del discusses five daily habits from Success.com to help you accomplish more whether you’re on the road to or have already achieved financial freedom. Finally, to finish the show, Del continues his coverage of financial planners and the winners and losers in U.S. net migration. Click to Listen Now

(February 26, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Passive Income Exceeds W2 Income Six Fold” – Featuring LU Members, Larry & Lenora

February 26, 2019 18:44 - 41 minutes - 37.7 MB

Sit back and marvel as Larry and Lenora reveal a treasure trove of financial information about their returns from a portfolio spanning 25 multifamily properties. As Passive Investors, they never touched a piece of real estate, and yet they vastly improved upon the money they made as W2 earners. Here's how they did it! Click to Listen Now

(February 25, 2019) What Are You Going to Do in 2019 to Improve Your Position in Life?

February 25, 2019 17:39 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

2018 was one of the hardest years of Del Walmsley’s life, but he also worked hard to make it one of his most successful as well. The result is a real-world message about life improvement for your new year. Click To Listen Now

(February 22, 2019) Pay off the Mortgage or Retire – You Decide

February 22, 2019 17:40 - 40 minutes - 37.3 MB

On this show, Del Walmsley ties one hand behind his back before tackling Dave Ramsey’s 5-7 yr. plan to pay off the mortgage to prove that life amounts to more than just settling debt and paying your bills. Click To Listen Now

(February 21, 2019) Single Family Real Estate Investing – the Truth Is in the Numbers

February 21, 2019 18:45 - 39 minutes - 36.2 MB

Where you see an unattractive, damaged, or worn-out home, Lifestyles Unlimited members see an income-producing investment vehicle. The difference is that they rely on a time-tested model for assessing rehab cost, cash flow, equity capture, and a whole gamut of other indicators that let them know whether a deal is a deal. Learn how, after almost 30 years of using this approach, Lifestyles Unlimited members are still retiring in five years or less. Click To Listen Now

(February 20, 2019) The Convergence of Financial Empowerment, Financial Awareness & Financial Control

February 20, 2019 17:40 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

There is an investment out there, and a map to it, that will dramatically improve your life through financial empowerment, awareness, and control. According to Del, a great deal of change can be implemented in your lifestyle simply by understanding and making adjustments to your finances. Click To Listen Now
