Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast

Host: Brian Webb

Episode 49: How To Automatically Get 'Positive Only' Reviews on FB, Google, and Yelp



Social proof is an important part of strengthening your brand and optimizing conversions in all of your marketing efforts. And our perspective buyers will always care far more about what others say about us than what we say about ourselves, and online reviews are a great way of demonstrating that. Wouldn't it be nice if you could automate the process of getting more positive only reviews from your customers while at the same time strengthening customer loyalty? Today, I'm going to show you how. Let's jump into the show.



Active Campaign - CRM & Marketing Automation

AutopilotHQ - Marketing Automation

TypeForm - Web Forms

Monday - Project Management (on steroids)

Pipedrive - CRM Alternative

Instapage - Landing Pages

Creative Market - Graphic Design & Creative Template Resources



Apple  |  Spotify Pandora  |  Google  |  iHeart RadioDeezer  |  Stitcher  |  Amazon Music  |  (SoundCloud Coming Soon)



Brian Webb:

Social proof is an important part of strengthening your brand and optimizing conversions in all of your marketing efforts. And our perspective buyers will always care far more about what others say about us than what we say about ourselves, and online reviews are a great way of demonstrating that. Wouldn't it be nice if you could automate the process of getting more positive only reviews from your customers while at the same time strengthening customer loyalty? Today, I'm going to show you how. Let's jump into the show.

This is the Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast.

Brian Webb:

Hey, everyone, welcome to the show. I'm your host, Brian Webb. This podcast is designed to be your number one premier place to learn the frameworks, secrets, and growth hacks to grow and scale your business smarter and faster. While you're working on pursuing your dreams and growing your business, I'll be here to help you make better decisions and avoid costly pitfalls and expensive mistakes along the way. So, let's go ahead and jump into today's episode.

Today, I'm going to show you not only how to get more reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, wherever you want to get your reviews, I'm going to show you how to only ask for those reviews from the people who love you, the people who have had a great experience with your products and services while at the same time giving you the opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty to those who maybe had a less than perfect experience with your products or services. And the great thing is, you can do all of this with automation, and I'm going to show you how to do that today.

Now, all automations have at least two or three of the following components, a trigger, a condition, and an action. So, to help you get more positive only reviews and increase customer loyalty, we're going to start with a trigger. But before I go too deep into this, let's talk about some tools that you'll want to consider looking into. One, Typeform. There are many forms, tools, software, and SaaS tools out there that you can use. Typeform is my preferred tool here at Whatbox Digital. Tool number two, you need a marketing automation platform.

As of the time of this recording, I've been a huge fan of autopilothq.com. However, knowing that they've recently decided to revamp the platform into a completely new and different platform, it's my understanding that they're somewhat stopping development, they're stopping new development on the version of AutopilotHQ that I've used, so I'm currently in the process of vetting ActiveCampaign. But whether it be autopilothq.com or ActiveCampaign, either one of those platform forms will get you covered. So again, every automation has to start with a trigger.

In this case, there's one of two or three options you can have. You can send your new or existing customers who recently used your products or services an email. And the email is basically asking them, "How did we do?" By the way, the shorter and simpler you make this, the better. People are not interested in helping you, they're only interested in themselves and the problems they have. So, if you ask them to take a long survey, you're probably not going to get the results that you're trying to achieve. But if you ask them, "How did we do," and maybe they've got three options on the far right, a happy emoji, in the middle, a so-so emoji, maybe at the other side, a thumbs down, for example.

And by the way, Typeform allows you to have a question like that type of field embedded into an email that goes out. Meaning, when the email goes out and they have those three options and they click on one of them, it actually takes them to the form with what they clicked on, pre-populated into that form. And here's the fun part, this is where we get to use conditions. Basically, the trigger, they were sent an email with a three-part question asking them how did you do, then we're going to add conditions.

The condition, by the way, is called check field and the check field condition is going to go back and verify which answer did they click on, great, so-so, or terrible. Once they've done this, we are now going to add another element to the automation which is a trigger, which is to send an internal notification to you. Someone internally should be notified that someone actually took the time to answer how you did. Then, we're going to add a delayed trigger. You pick the amount of time, 15 minutes, 24 hours, a few hours, it doesn't really matter too terribly much.

But basically, you're going to wait just a little while. And then, only the ones who click amazing, who said, "You were rock stars. You did a fantastic job," they love your products, they love your services, they had a great experience with you, because they met that condition, that individual is then going to be sent another email saying, "Wow, thanks. You loved us. We love you too. Would you be so kind and give us a review and a rating," on the various platforms that you want them, that could be Facebook, Yelp, Google. But again, the only individual that's going to even get that request is the one who said that they loved you.

And a couple of pro tips at this point, one, have the links where they can give you the ratings and the review in the email. Make it super, super easy for them. Pro tip number two, think about reciprocating. You're asking them to do something for you, why don't you do something for them? Maybe that's a discount on their next purchase, maybe that's a gift card to their favorite restaurant. You don't have to do this, but the more that you show reciprocation, the more that you're willing to do something for them while you're asking them to something for you, the more conversions you're going to get, the more people that will actually take the time and give you the rating and review that you want, that you covet, that by the way, you'll have a social proof forever.

We'll get back to the show in just a moment. But first, a quick word from our sponsor, Whatbox Digital. Do you want to grow and scale your business better and faster with fewer mistakes? Of course you do. Then you're in the right place right now. Like so many others, you're tired of relying on a failed hope marketing system where you're spending valuable time and money on marketing and then hoping it works. You've thrown away tons of money towards marketing mistakes and failures and you wish you could get all of that money back. When you don't have a reliable system for generating leads and acquiring new customers, then you're doomed to suffer from industry downturns, lumpy cash flow, and ultimately higher stress and sleepless nights.

I'm Brian Webb, the CEO and senior guide at Whatbox Digital. I know where you are and I've been there before. It pains me to watch business owners and entrepreneurs suffer from relying on hope and bad advice that simply doesn't work. I've had the privilege of owning and leading a successful marketing agency in the Greater Houston metroplex for almost 20 years. Having worked in over 60 industry verticals, I've led my team and clients to achieve business growth time and time again. And that's exactly what I want to do for you. Our marketing strategy, playbook consulting engagement allows us to do just that.

In just four weeks or less, we'll take you through our three-step process that will open your eyes to the readily available growth opportunities you need, want, and deserve. To learn more or just get started, simply go to whatboxdigital.com/strategy and click the Get Started Now button. Or just text the word playbook to 832-324-2432. Don't waste another day or another dollar on failing hope marketing strategies that do not work. If you want to grow and scale your business better and faster and with fewer mistakes, you are in the right place. You need to get unstuck, you need a plan and we're here to help. Let's get started today right now.

So, at this point, we've already achieved an automation sequence where you can get more positive only reviews. And the reason I say positive only is because if anyone said so-so or terrible, we're never going to ask them to give you a review to begin with. Now, here's where we can improve customer loyalty. For those that said so-so, you're going to send them a different email now. This is a new trigger. And that email's going to say, "Wow, we were hoping for five stars. What can we do, what could we have done to make your experience even better?" You really want to go the extra mile?

You've heard it said that there's never a traffic jam on the extra mile. If someone says so-so, maybe have someone from your team reach out to them. Give them a consolation prize or at the very least, find out where you could have improved. Show them that you care. And for those that said they had a terrible experience, we add another trigger that does two things. One, emails the individual back, apologizing profusely for their bad experience, and second, an internal notification, that could be a text message, that could be email, that could be via Slack, is going to go to your team internally, preferably to multiple people for the sake of accountability and maximum heightened awareness.

In other words, if someone had a bad experience, you certainly don't want this falling between the cracks, and that notification is basically urging your team to reach out to them immediately. This person just had a terrible experience with your brand, your product, or your service and you're just now becoming aware of it. Their hair's on fire and you had no idea. This is your opportunity for damage control. So again, in addition to the email that goes back to the customer, apologizing profusely, by the way, having a video from the proprietor, or the owner, or the chief customer service person apologizing for that bad experience would be an additional add-on pro tip that you could leverage.

But again, most importantly, the notification that goes back to you internally so that someone can respond expeditiously, that is the true value add in this automation sequence. So, that's it. You could have this set up next week if you wanted to. And if you want one more bonus pro tip, you can also add an action into the sequence depending on how they answered, that adds them to a Facebook Custom Audience. For those of you new to what that even is, Facebook allows you to create custom audiences so that you can advertise to that audience. So if someone had a bad experience, you could create an ad that will only target that audience with messaging that talks about empathy, caring, you understand, that your customers are top priority.

Do what you can to salvage that relationship and to rebuild it. But for those who loved your product or service, you could create an entire campaign talking about the other products and services that you sell. If they love what you did for them the first time, there is a phenomenal chance that they'll do business with you again in the future. So there you have it, that's it, that's a marketing automation sequence that you can create to automatically generate more positive only reviews and increase customer loyalty at the same time. As always, if you need help with this, go to whatboxdigital.com or just text me personally, 832-324-2432.

You already know that my team and I are absolutely here to help you grow your business smarter and faster. That's it for today. I will see you on the next episode. Thanks for joining me today and listening to this episode of the Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast. We can be found on all the major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, and even Amazon Music. I genuinely hope you enjoyed today's episode. And if you did, I'd be honored if you'd subscribe to the show and leave us a rating and an honest review. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram.

You can find me at @brianwebb and the show sponsor, Whatbox Digital can be found at, as you might guess, @whatboxdigital. You can also find me in Whatbox Digital on Facebook and LinkedIn with the links in the show notes. This will allow you to stay up to date and never miss out on exciting new announcements, events, special offers, and opportunities and you'll be in the know when we drop a new episode of the Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast. And if you'd like to send me a DM on Instagram to say hello or share your thoughts on how we can make this podcast even better for you, I'd love to hear from you. Again, thanks for listening. Let's go and grow together. I'll see you on the next episode.















The Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast is sponsored by Whatbox Digital, a marketing and consulting agency in the Greater Houston Metroplex. This podcast is your premier place to learn the frameworks, secrets, and growth hacks to grow and scale your business and revenue smarter and faster.