Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast

Host: Brian Webb

Episode 48: 8 Landing Page Pro Tips To Convert More Visitors Into Paying Customers



You need to get your website and landing pages converting more visitors into customers. You want to reduce your balance rate the number of people that visit your website or landing pages, and then abandon it without clicking on anything. Today, I'm going to give you eight tips on how to do just that. 



Active Campaign - CRM & Marketing Automation

TypeForm - Web Forms

Monday - Project Management (on steroids)

Pipedrive - CRM Alternative

Instapage - Landing Pages

Creative Market - Graphic Design & Creative Template Resources



Apple  |  Spotify Pandora  |  Google  |  iHeart RadioDeezer  |  Stitcher  |  Amazon Music  |  (SoundCloud Coming Soon)



Building A Story Brand by Donald Miller



Brian Webb:

You need to get your website and landing pages converting more visitors into customers. You want to reduce your balance rate the number of people that visit your website or landing pages, and then abandon it without clicking on anything. Today, I'm going to give you eight tips on how to do just that. Let's jump into the show.

This is the Learn More Earn More Business Growth podcast.

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the show. I'm your host, Brian Webb. This podcast is designed to be your number one premier place to learn the framework, secrets and growth hacks to grow and scale your business smarter and faster. While you're working on pursuing your dreams and growing your business, I'll be here to help you make better decisions and avoid costly pitfalls and expensive mistakes along the way. So let's go ahead and jump into today's episode. Welcome back to the show, everyone. Back in episode 18, I gave you a hack on how to 3x your opt-in conversions on your website and landing pages. Then, back in episode 24, I gave you another growth hack, how to get real cell phone numbers from your website and landing page leads? Today, I'm going to give you eight pro tips, eight practices for better structuring your landing pages and your website pages to convert better.

So let's jump into tip one, be clear, not clever. I'm going to say that again, be clear, not clever. Perhaps Donald Miller said it best in his book, Building a StoryBrand. Donald Miller is a New York Times Bestselling Author, and he says, "If you confuse, you lose." So when you're writing your headlines do not be clever. I strongly urge you to not use industry nomenclature. Don't use inside jokes. Don't try to be overly poetic. State what the problem is that you solve, how you solve it, and what the wind looks like after you do. Be clear, not clever. To keep this moving, let's get straight to tip number two, do not clutter your header navigation with dozens of links, or for that matter, hardly any links.

A truly effective landing page should be asking your prospect, your visitor to only do one thing, maybe two. There should be a primary call to action, sometimes a second dairy call to action. So if you have a home button, if you have an about us, a contact us, several links to various pages across your website, you are going to distract your visitor from doing the one thing that you want them to do. So let every one of your landing pages have only one call to action, as in the primary call action. For example, download this list, sign up for this course, join our webinar. It's okay to have a secondary call to action that might be, watch this video, but do everything that you can to remove any and all distractions of all the other content that you've created. So that you can have your prospect focus on the one call to action you want them to take.

Pro-tip number three, which plays off of tip number two, gives users a way to buy your primary call to action button should always be visible. If they're scrolling down the page, consider using a sticky header. If you're new to web, sticky header simply means no matter where they scroll the header at the top sticks there, it never goes away. Give people a way to spend money with your business. Most people aren't going to do it right away, but if you don't give them an option to buy what you do, your services, your products, your guaranteeing it's not going to happen. As you can see, these tips are building upon one another. When it's possible, have that secondary AKA transitional call to action, which can be a lot of things. It could be that you want them to watch a video, or you want them to download some kind of a lead magnet, a juicy carrot that brings them in, that compels them, that attracts them to your email list, to your text message list.

One guiding principle I teach all of my clients is that it takes dozens of times, 21 to 24 times minimum before most people go through the three phases of a relationship with you. They weren't aware of you, now they are, they're curious, over time through enlightenment, you build trust, and then finally they're going to convert into a customer. So make sure that secondary call to action or that transitional call to action invites them to your email list or to your cell phone list so that you can nurture them over time. We'll get back to the show in just a moment, but first, a quick word from our sponsor, Whatbox Digital.

Do you want to grow and scale your business better and faster with fewer mistakes? Of course, you do, then you are in the right place right now. Like so many others, you are tired of relying on a failed hope marketing system where you're spending valuable time and money on marketing, and then hoping it works. You've thrown away tons of money towards marketing mistakes and failures, and you wish you could get all of that money back. When you don't have a reliable system for generating leads and acquiring new customers, then you're doomed to suffer from industry downturns, lumpy cash flow, and ultimately higher stress and sleepless nights. I'm Brian Webb, the CEO and senior guide at Whatbox Digital. I know where you are and I've been there before.

It pains me to watch business owners and entrepreneurs suffer from relying on hope and bad advice that simply doesn't work. I've had the privilege of owning and leading a successful marketing agency in the Greater Houston Metroplex for almost 20 years. Having worked in over 60 industry verticals, I've led my team and clients to achieve business growth time and time again. That's exactly what I want to do for you. Our marketing strategy playbook consulting engagement allows us to do just that. In just four weeks or less, we'll take you through our three-step process that will open your eyes to the readily available growth opportunities you need, want, and deserve. To learn more or just get started, simply go to whatboxdigital.com/strategy and click the Get Started Now button. Or just text the word playbook to 832-324-2432. Don't waste another day or another dollar on failing hope marketing strategies that do not work. If you want to grow and scale your business better and faster, and with fewer mistakes, you are in the right place. You need to get unstuck. You need a plan and we're here to help. Let's get started today, right now.

Pro-tip number five, agitate the customer's pain. You need to illustrate, you need to itemize what is the cost of not paying you for your products or services. The human brain has a universal, safe word. That word, no, not now, wait, I'll do that later. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that's the safest thing that we should do. It makes us feel safe. Everyone's afraid of buyers' remorse, and not doing something, not buying your products or service makes us feel as though, there's nothing that we'll have remorse over if I do nothing. But what you've got to do is agitate the pain. We, as human beings are great at counting the cost of doing something. But we're almost completely ineffective of counting the cost of not doing something, of sitting still, of being indecisive. So you want to agitate the pain of what it's like for them. What are they going to continue to deal with? What problems will go unsolved if they don't use your products or hire you for your services?

Pro-tip number six, provide as much social proof as you can. There's a lot of slippery used car salesman out there. Most all of us have been stung at least once, if not, many times, over the course of our lives. So naturally, we're skeptical. We're cynical. We're jaded. We don't assume that because you say that you can help us, that you can. So when you're making an offer, provide as many forms of social proof as you possibly can. That could be logos from major brands who have trusted you, that could be testimonials, that could be case studies. Show everything that you can that validates the merits of your products and services. Pro-tip number seven, which again, this is progressive. It builds off of previous tips that I've given you, limit yourself to one idea, one concept, one call to action per page.

I'm not counting the secondary or the transitional call to action. But if you have nine different services that you want to sell or 18 different products, let this page focus on one of those services, one of those products. Our brains literally burn calories when it's trying to understand what to do next. So give your audience one thing to focus on, not two, not five, just one. Finally, pro tip number eight shows the after-state of what it's like if someone uses your products or services. Vividly paint the picture of what life is like, how much better it is once they've interacted with your brand and used your products or services. If they're going to go from overweight to in shape, show that. If you're taking them from the frustration of wasting money to the joy of saving money and being more efficient, show them that. If they're dealing with the stress of not having the right accounting systems, marketing systems, sales systems, and you can help them overcome that, use your images, video, text, everything to show them how much better life is after working with you, after collaborating with you.

So there you go. Eight pro tips that will make your website and landing pages more effective. You'll reduce your balance rate. You'll convert more visitors into actual paying customers. Thank you so much for joining me today. It's always a pleasure serving you. Let's keep growing your business smarter and faster. I will see you on the next episode. Thanks for joining me today and listening to this episode of the Learn More Earn More Business Growth podcast. We can be found on all the major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, and even Amazon Music. I genuinely hope you enjoyed today's episode and if you did, I'd be honored if you'd subscribe to the show and leave us a rating and an honest review. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram. You can find me at @BrianWebb, and the show sponsor Whatbox Digital can be found at, as you might guess @whatboxdigital.

You can also find me in Whatbox Digital, on Facebook, and LinkedIn with the links in the show notes. This will allow you to stay up-to-date and never miss out on exciting new announcements, events, special offers, and opportunities and you'll be in the know when we drop a new episode of the Learn More Earn More Business Growth podcast. If you'd like to send me a DM on Instagram to say hello, or share your thoughts on how we can make this podcast even better for you, I'd love to hear from you. Again, thanks for listening. Let's go and grow together. I'll see you on the next episode.















The Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast is sponsored by Whatbox Digital, a marketing and consulting agency in the Greater Houston Metroplex. This podcast is your premier place to learn the frameworks, secrets, and growth hacks to grow and scale your business and revenue smarter and faster.