Welcome back to part 2 of “You've got the Questions, We've got the Answers” my Q&A with exercise expert Adam Martin. Adam is an accredited exercise physiologist and has been in the industry for almost 15 years. Adam specialises in helping people get back to and beyond their pre-injury state. Adam has worked with clients that range from large companies (e.g. Amazon), Olympic athletes and 94 year olds looking to stay mobile in their later years. Adam has also written an Amazon best selling book about fasting called 'Start Late, Stay Light' and now runs an Instagram page called "The No Breakfast Guy” (@the_no_breakfast_guy). If you would like to learn more about Adam, or grab a free copy of his book (as mentioned in episode 48), visit Adam's website: www.thenobreakfastguy.com

Today, Adam is answering another round of your questions about exercise! Adam also answered a heap of your questions in part 1 (episode 48) of this 2 part series, so if you haven't listened to that episode, you might want to check out part 1 first. Today, Adam and I cover the following topics: whether stretching and foam rolling is really necessary; the most common cause of lower back pain and how to treat it; how many reps to do for weight loss and toning; whether stretching actually prevents injuries and whether we should do it; the best tips to improve posture for desk workers; how long it takes females to actively put on muscle and how often they should be weight training and the best exercises for strong abs and how to build them. 

This podcast is brought to you today by my favourite olive oil brand, Cobram Estate. Cobram Estate is Australia's leading producer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the only brand I use and recommend. For more information about why I love and recommend Cobram Estate EVOO for all its health benefits, visit their website at cobramestate.com.au or their Instagram page @cobramestate 

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