"Health Food", "Super Food", "High Protein", "No Added Sugar", "Low Sugar", "Low Fat", "Baked Not Fried", "Made with Real Fruit", "Gluten Free", "5 Star Health Rating"... 

Sound familiar? 

We are bombarded with these health claims every time we enter a supermarket (mostly in the "Health Food" aisle) because the companies that manufacture these products want you to think you are buying healthy products and making healthy choices. MARKETING SELLS! 

When presented with 2 products, most people will spend more money to buy the "healthier" option. We walk away reassured that we have put our health and wellbeing first, without bothering to look below the surface. This reassurance we feel is what has been described as a "Health Halo" and it is not always a good thing. People should be empowered to look beyond the PR and marketing hype and work out for themselves what is actually in the food they are buying and whether these "Health Halo" claims stack up. 

This is what this podcast is all about. I talk with Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Savina Rego and together we debunk the most common "Health Halos" and teach you how to shop for food with the confidence of knowing the facts, not the marketing BS. If nutrition label reading and Australia's "Health Star Rating System" is more your thing, don't worry, we cover that as well. 

If you follow Savina's Instagram (@thesavvydietitian) you'll know this is a passion of hers. Her Instagram is full of infographics comparing foods (compare the pair), comparing portions (portion distortion) and health food aisle fails. Our goal is that, by the end of this podcast, you'll be able to see past the "Health Halos" and be reassured that you are making food choices based on facts rather than skin deep marketing claims. 

This podcast is brought to you today by my favourite olive oil brand, Cobram Estate. Cobram Estate is Australia's leading producer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the only brand I use and recommend. For more information about why I love and recommend Cobram Estate EVOO for all its health benefits, visit their website at cobramestate.com.au or their Instagram page @cobramestate 

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