As most of the world is in lockdown or isolation due to COVID-19, I thought a podcast about self-love and happiness was just what you guys needed. 

To help me out today, I have trainer and nutritionist, Sierra Nielsen as our special guest! 

Sierra helps individuals own their worth, build confidence & get healthy from the inside-out. She’s an online trainer, nutritionist and transformation coach starting with the basics of loving yourself first. Please go and check out her Instagram account which is @sierranielsen as she posts the most wonderful, real and helpful content for all those struggling with life, love and self-worth. 

This podcast is part 1 of a 2 parter with Sierra. In today’s episode we discuss: confidence and happiness, how to respect your own health journey, how to overcome heartache, how to find light at the end of the tunnel and how to ask for help if you’re struggling. So… pop some headphones in and grab a cup of tea because the gold in this podcast is worth paying extra special attention too. 

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