Do you find yourself sacrificing what's important to you today for a better tomorrow? We skip the vacation, skip the walk, skip journaling, or skip even just taking a few moments to breathe and check in with ourselves. It can feel like we need to give up so many things now for the promise of a bright future of tomorrow and we end up putting our life on hold until we hit the next business milestone.

In today's episode of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast, we are going to dive into defining your rich fulfilled life. I will help you clarify what a rich, fulfilled life means to you - both inside and outside your business, and how you can prioritize your needs, so you can live full out, and experience everything that you want, both in your business and your life!


Show topics include:

(1.13) Reimagine Retreat
(4.13) How I help my clients define their rich fulfilled life blueprint
(6.52) Understand what a rich fulfilled life means to you
(8.36) Defining what your ideal day looks like
(9.45) Overcoming your mindset blocks that are getting in your way of living your rich fulfilled life
(12.13) Defining what things you want to create protected space for

Work with Crista:

Want to learn more about working with Crista and the Lean Out Method team to simplify and scale your business? Explore our limited series podcast Do Less, Scale Faster and learn more about our services and hear from our clients what it's like to work with us.

Want to join Crista and a group of high-achieving entrepreneurs IN PERSON to take yourself and your business to the next level this year? Join us for our luxury VIP retreat and mastermind experience.

Ready to eliminate complexity from your business and scale to multiple-7+ figures in simple and sustainable ways? Apply to join us inside the Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator, a transformation group-mentorship experience for successful entrepreneurs ready to transform their business into a self-run company that's no longer dependent on them to scale.

Love this podcast? Then you'll want to join the Simplify and Scale Society, Crista's private FB community where she hosts a live training + Q&A every week.