If you’re a senior leader - you are there to solve the big problems, drive the business forward, and unlock your business or organization’s potential. But if you are stuck all day on Slack, answering emails, or on other mundane daily tasks - you might need to take a different approach to your professional life, my love. 


Let’s talk about the relationship between planning, your inner critic, and being a high-performance leader - and how to take more aligned action toward your professional (and personal) goals!


In today’s episode, I invite my business bestie & executive coach, Moira Lethbridge back on the show to chat all about extraordinary high-performance leadership and women. We discuss what it takes to be a high-performing leader (and what could be holding you back) and the ways to get more action-oriented so you can build the career of your dreams!


Ready for the practical, actionable steps you need to take your leadership to the next level?


Let’s go to the show! 


We dive into:

The MOST IMPORTANT things you need to know about planning & your inner critic to uplevel your abilities as a leader What might be keeping you in a job you don’t enjoy - and what you need to know to get unstuck! How to differentiate between self-doubt, your inner critic & imposter syndrome so you can figure out if they are getting in your way! The #1 obstacle to taking action (and what to do about it!) How many minutes a day it really takes to move the needle forward toward achieving your goals (it might surprise you!) The number of hours successful leaders spend planning a week - and why this is so important An exciting announcement you don’t want to miss! The #1 mindset shift Moira thinks women leaders need to make right now And more!

Useful links!

Find out more about the HR Leader Empowerment Summit at https://offers.moiralethbridge.com/hr-leader-empowerment-summit 

The Summit has been approved for 5.00  HR (General) recertification credit through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

Want to chat with Toni or Moira first about the Summit? Book a friendly discovery session here:

Toni: https://bit.ly/DiscoverSummit 

Moira: https://moiralethbridge.com/contact/ 


Email me at support{at}tonicollis{dot}com if you’d like to know more about upcoming Summits for other specialisms, and in particular if you are interested in finding out when we will be hosting future events. 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode89 

Join the Leading Women in Tech community in Slack where we discuss all-the-things for women’s tech leadership, covering everything from early-career leadership to C-level executives: https://join.slack.com/t/leadingwomenintech/shared_invite/zt-w8qbxeue-jDgnuaz8lK29Ws6Sr8NXVg