The job hunt isn’t a one-off, my love. It is a lifelong journey. And I want every single woman in tech to have a job that has them lit up for Monday mornings. Don’t think it’s possible?


Let’s talk about the relationship between the most important leadership attributes and your job hunt - because the role of your dreams is waiting for you!


In today’s episode, I share how to maximize your job hunt potential by tapping into your most important leadership skills and the strategic moves you need to keep in mind as you uplevel your tech leadership career.


Ready to use your amazing leadership skills to thrive in the job hunt process?


Let’s go to the show! 


I dive into:

The MOST IMPORTANT attributes of a great leader - and how to use them to succeed in the job hunt process! ONE mistake you could be making in your search for the dream job (and what you should be doing instead) My TOP TIPS for maintaining a successful career strategy The 3 things you need in any job search (and why you need these exact things to be a great leader!) Why I want you to consider THIS mindset shift around balance And more!

Useful links!

If you are ready to uplevel your leadership and career then join in the free 30-day Leading Women in Tech Bootcamp: 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: 

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