Why is it so hard to do HARD things?


Let’s talk about the tools you need to get into daily action toward the hard things and truly uplevel your career!


In today’s episode, I am giving you the 7 steps you need to unlock yourself from the mediocrity cycle and move towards growth in your tech career. Because moving away from the easy to focusing on the hard, longer-term goals is the key to unlocking your potential, my love!


Ready to do the hard things and uplevel?


Let’s go to the show!


I dive into:

The 7 steps you need to move from mediocrity to a standout tech career! Understanding why it is so hard to do hard things (and how this understanding will change your career & leadership) How your brain is keeping you stuck on the small stuff - and how to get unstuck! Some of my TOP TIPS to shift your mood so you can get into action Helping your brain along by providing context (this one is super important, my love!) The time of day that you should be taking action toward the hard things A mindset tip around competition that will unlock your unique potential! And so much more!


Useful links!

Join the Creating action from strategy' (helping you deliver faster and more effectively as a leader) on March 7th. Find out all the details and save your spot at https://tonicollis.com/creatingaction 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode88 

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