Yes! We all need a DON’T QUIT NOW reminder from time to time.

Oddly, it does not always come as intentional encouragement. People don’t always sense your desperation and frustration and come riding in on a white horse to save you from yourself. Sometimes the courage to go on, the reminder you have purpose the inspiration to try another day comes from a humble request or a bold demand.

The courage to carry on needs to come from with in for sure. But it can be boosted and reinvigorated by anyone. Here are two which came for me this week. I share them only because the come in disguise and I think there is a chance they have snuck past your place to encourage you as well.

HOWEVER, I wonder if you recognized them...

You’ll have to watch the video to get the nuggets. Honestly if you don’t care to watch the video or don’t have time ... well I guess you don’t need secret encouragement and that’s good.

Watch the video #leadingleaderspodcast 1-24-20
LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV .
#leadingleaderspodcast #storypower
Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com
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